Chapter 15

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Ezra walked with Sabine to the palace side by side in silence. It was 15 to ten and Ezra had to pick up something for Sabine from his tent that he had gotten the last mission they went on. "Hey, Sabine go ahead I'll catch up." He said turning towards his tent. She waved goodbye and kept on walking at a much slower pace. Ezra reached his tent and ducked inside. He walked over to the place were he had put the black box and slowly and carefully pulled it out as to not damage the merchandise.

Ezra walked out of the tent and jogged to the palace trying to catch up with Sabine. He found her about to reach the doors when he heard a ship fly overhead. Ezra and Sabine looked up simultaneously to see the Ghost flying and trying to find a descent spot to land. Ezra started off towards the Ghost Sabine in tow.

When they reached it they saw the remaining Ghost crew walking, and rolling, out of the ship. "Their you two are." Hera said angrily in a mother type fashion. She went up to Ezra and froze in shock at seeing him. "What happened to your face?" She asked grabbing his face and examining the fresh scar he had in a way only a mother could. Once she realized he was fine she scowled, "don't let Sabine run off again and defiantly don't join her." Her turned her head and looked at Sabine. "And you are not supposed to go gallivanting across the galaxy." She addressed the next part to both of them, "you are both in major trouble." Ezra looked down at his holo watch to see it was 5 to ten.

"We are sorry but we really need to go to the palace." Ezra said starting to walk to the palace. The rest of the crew looked at each other shrugged and walked with him.

"May I ask why?" Kanen asked.

"That's a need to know basis." Ezra said as they reached the doors.

He pushed the doors open to be hit by a wave of Happy Birthday but it quickly died away when they saw Ezra. He smiled slightly knowing he had never been wished a happy birthdays not even by his family. Ezra, realizing he was standing their, moved his bulky frame out of the way and shoved Sabine playfully in. The happy birthday started right back up again.

Sabine gawked not expecting this but she did remember it was special since she was turning twenty. (Made her be born later) Her close family quickly walked up to her and enveloped her in a big warm hug.

Ezra smiled sadly and walked into the room wanting to be the first to the buffet tables. Everybody was still slightly afraid of him so they all parted leaving a ten foot wide gap for Ezra to walk through. Following him was Zeb since he was famished by the journey. Zeb also wanted to ask about the scar.

Alaric parted from the hug and raised his hand in the air saying, "let's eat."

The party went well into the night and at around 11 the gift ceremony was supposed to be taken place. Ezra was last in line since he was slightly embarrassed about what he had chosen for Sabine's present. He had spent minimal work on her present.

Finally it was his turn. He walked up to her and set the black box he had carefully on the ground. He kneeled down in front of it and unclipped the lid. He slid it off and took out the present. What everybody thought Ezra would take out would be a weapon of some sort. Even Sabine thought that. But what no one expected was for him to take out a small little fuzz ball dyed in a variety of color.

He lifted one of his hands to reveal a pair of peering eyes looking straight at Sabine. Her heart melted at the site of a baby Porg in his hands. But it wasn't a regular Porg this one had a variety of different colors on it. "Why is it so many different colors?" She asked happily. Nobody but Ezra knew that Sabine loves fury animals and she didn't even tell him. He had found out when she tried to snuggle a loth-cat on to the Ghost.

"Genetic mutation. But I added some certain chemicals to his fur that don't hurt the animal but he smells like whatever your favorite smell is.

Sabine smelled it and surprisingly it smelt like chocolate and blueberries, exactly what Ezra smelled like. Her face started to turn red. Ezra noticed and asked, "what does it smell like?"

She sat their looking at the Porg contemplating what to say. She sighed and said only audible enough for him to hear, "it smells like you." He smiled.

"Thanks for the present Ezra." She said and hugged him. Ezra had never been hugged properly before but he enjoyed it. She pulled back and smiled warmly at him. Without another word he walked back to the food because he was suddenly very hungry.

A little bit after 12 Ezra grabbed a slice of leftover cake and slipped out of the party trying to be sneaky. He didn't notice Sabine following him. Ezra made it up to the roof and sat near the edge and admired the view. Around 4 minutes later Ezra's holo-device beeped. He pulled it out and set it in front of him. Ezra turned on the device and a few seconds later happy birthday came on. He sung sadly along with it remembering how no one knew today was his birthday.

When the song finished he looked up into the sky and said, "mom, dad. I hope your looking down on me and are proud. I know you never really celebrated my birthday but I'm 20 so yay for me I guess. You know, I found the person who made the machine that killed you, her name is Sabine. I don't know how to feel about her. One moment I want to stab her, the next I want to kiss her. You guys told me that if I let my feelings cloud my judgement I would punish for it with my life. Your probably correct about that but I'm barely able to hold in my feelings." He sighed depressingly, "I hope to see you two and the rest of my clan one day." With that he stood up and walked over to the edge.

He sat down and dangled his legs over the side wondering if he should reveal his feelings for her. I doubt she feels the same he thought.

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