Chapter 10

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Ezra trudged through the snow with, what he thought, very minimalist gear. That gear being two thermal detonators both Westar-35 pistols one Beskad and two knives one in his sleeve the other in his boot. He walked through the open double doors to a room filled with light. The entire army was their, they were retelling battle story's, catching up with old friends and gossiping inhuman amounts of bulkriff about Ezra. When he entered everybody in the entire room went silent. He just rolled his eyes under his helmet and walked over to the buffet table. Everybody close to the buffet table cleared out immediately. Everybody watched intently as he grabbed a plate and started shoveling food onto it. It was more of a mound of food then a plate of it. Ezra walked away from the buffet table and towards the empty table with the card Bridger on it. He sat down and took off his helmet. When he took it off more then halve the room gasped at his hair. He was just starting to get uncomfortable at being watched as he shoveled food down his throat. Halfway through he let out a large belch on purpose. He had had enough. He looked up shouted across the room and waved his hand aggressively, "GET ON WITH IT." That was enough to have the people back at their food and conversations. He was kinda lonely being at a table fit for hundred people with no one on it besides himself. He let out a depressed sigh and went back to ravaging his food.

Sabine felt slightly bad that he had to sit by himself so she got up from her table, "we're you going?" Her father Alaric asked. She just nodded to Ezra and walked over to him. Ezra stopped eating when he saw her sit down next to him. He gave a thankful smile to her and continued eating at a slower pace.

"Being the talk of the block has its perks," he said nodding to the buffet table.

She laughed at this. Her laugh made Ezra get butterflies in his stomach and he smiled.

When she had settled down and composed herself she asked something that had been bugging her. "How did you kill the rancor?" She asked curious.

He scoffed, "if you could call it a rancor. It was more like a very large Lothcat. So, I had been sent out for my trial. I didn't know what to do but I knew it had to be big." A few people had drifted over to their table to listen to the story. "It hit me, literally, when I was walking by a cave. It lumbered out of its cave and swatted me like a fly. I only had my pistol and a thermal detonator on me because I had gotten hit by the Rancor." At the name a lot more people had joined the table and some were turning their head to look at him from other tables. "I said screw it and ran up the beasts arm I primed the grenade and threw it into his mouth." By this time everybody was intently listening to the story. Ezra also started to tell the story to the crowd. "He blew up with that satisfaction only a grenade can give."

"Yay right nobody else gets explosives like I do." Sabine said talking to Ezra.

"Exactly," Ezra said to Sabine, "anyway I went back home with the spike on its back as proof I killed it. My father had the most dumb expression on his face when I told him." He smiled at the memory. And then his smile turned into a sad frown, "I got back and the armorer told me I'd get a Rancor signet. I had taken off my armor to try to get some rest for the celebration." He sighed sadly, "then the imperials came. They tested a weapon on us and I will never forget the screams of agony I heard from my family, my friends, they were all I had. And they were gone." He snapped his fingers, "just like that. I had to walk through their ash to get my fathers armor, which I'm wearing. I was captured later on and tortured beyond words. I was even experimented on. Those sick freaks treated me like an animal. When I escaped I found that no matter how many imperials I killed I couldn't shake off this feeling of loss and despair that not having a family or even a friend felt like. I said to myself I would find the person who thought of that retched machine and grind them into the dirt." He took a deep breath to calm himself, "But I finally felt at peace again when Ghost crew found me and they asked me to join. I had finally felt happy for once in my entire miserable life." He sighed again and he had forgotten the entire hall was listening to his story. "Well anyway now is not a time to be sad, it is a time for celebration." He raised his cup above his head and pointed it to Bo Katan, "to the Mand'alor" he said and downed his entire cup in two gulps. The rest of the hall joined in and repeated what he said.

Ezra proceeded to stand up and walk over to the barrel of bear. "Time to drown my sorrows in mead," he said filling up his cup again and drinking it all down in one go. "I'm going to regret this" he said filling it up yet again and downing it. "You should probably stop me" he said and filled it up another time and downed it. "But, you may want to wait a bit until I'm to drunk to fight back" he said his words slightly slurred and repeating what he did, "livers going to hate me in the morning." He said even more slurred and tried to fill it up again but missed.

"I can't put up with this," Sabine muttered walking over to him and pulling him out of the hall. She led him to his tent.

"You know 'hiccup' I really like you" he said leaning on Sabine more.

"You're dru-"

"Shhhh" Ezra said sloppily putting his finger in front of her mouth, "I don't like you, I love you" he said with a drunken smile.

"If only," she said under her breath.

By this time she had reached the tent and placed a very drunken Ezra on the bed. "Goodnight" she said lightly kissing his forehead. She walked out of the tent with a small smile on her face, that was a good banquet she thought to herself before walking to the palace and her very welcoming bed.

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