Chapter 11

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Ezra woke up with a throbbing headache piercing his skull with every pulse of pain. He rolled out of his bed groaning as the pain skyrocketed. His windpipe closed, uh oh Ezra thought and sprinted out of his tent throwing his meal from yesterday out. He leaned on a crate letting his stomach calm down. After a few minutes of probably the worst pain he had ever had it started to dissipate. He took a breath in and went in his tent for a water bottle. He came out a few minutes later and washed his mouth out. He also had grabbed his tooth brush. He scrubbed rigorously at his moth trying to get the smell and taste of bile out of his mouth. When he had finished he went back in to find is armor haphazardly strewn about the room. No doubt taken off in the middle of the night during his escapade. He slowly put on his armor and some other weapons being very clumsy about it. He pulled down his helmet and clutched his head as the lights from inside his helmet came on. He stumbled a lot and ran into crates emanating a few chuckles from the early risers. He walked into the palace and into the dinning hall. He hadn't noticed that around a hundred people were in the hall having breakfast. They all burst out laughing when he tripped over a bench and landed face first.

Sabine sighed at seeing such a strong willed man getting absolutely destroyed by his hang over. There was another few chuckles when he missed the plate he had in his hand with the food. He stumbled over and fell onto the closest table he could which was the Wren table. Ezra struggled to get his legs over the bench and took off his helmet smiling in pride about doing the most mundane task. His smile of pride turned into a frown of fear when he saw he was at the Wren table. He tried to get out but ended up falling off the bench and landed with a hmphf. He sighed a sigh of defeat and layed their clutching his head and moaning in pain. He felt a sudden wave of ice cold water hit his face and as an instinct stood up straight he felt the relief of cold and looked at his savior. It was Tristin, Sabine's younger brother. "Thank you," he said weakly. He then felt it again, his windpipe closing for the exit of vomit. He looked around and sprinted towards the nearest trash can jumping over tables to get their. The moment he got their he threw up for the second time that day. He groaned as he sank down to the ground wiping the bile from his lips. He leaned his head back and sighed a sigh of relief as he felt his stomach and head go back to normal. He suddenly felt very hungry and basically sprinted to his plate of food and dumped it down eating it in a few bites. When he realized everyone was looking at him he gave a sheepish smile and put his plate in the dish tub next to the plates. When he was about to leave he said to Bo Katan, who of course had to be their, "I'm going on patrol" when he had left he heard everybody laughing. Great he thought make yourself the laughing stock of the army.

Ezra was on his speeder when he saw a bright white flash of light off to his left in the forest. He parked his speeder and slowly walked through the tree line to find a scorched clearing with shinny things littering it. No he thought to himself he ran over to the nearest one and picked up a mandalorean helmet to find ash fall out of it. "No!!!" He yelled as loud as he could. He took a deep breath and looked around he knew he had to call it in, "base this is Bridger," he said into his comm.

After a few seconds the comm crackled to life, "we copy you Bridger what do you need."

He sighed and rubbed his nose, "we have a squad of downed mandos I recommend sending Bo Katan and lady Wren." He said.

"Copy we will send them now." And the line went dead.

Ezra looked at the the armor, the least he could do was organize it. He slowly and sadly moved the armor into neat piles next to each other and kneeled in front of them showing his respects. He heard the sound of jet packs behind him so he stood up and turned. In front of him were Ursa, Bo Katan, and Sabine along with a small security force which they didn't need. When Sabine looked at the armor and the ash she ran over to it saying "no, no, no, no"

"Don't be sad, this is war and their are bound to be casualties." Ezra said trying to comfort her.

"It's not that it's that, I killed them." She said in a small voice.

Everybody's eyes widened, Ursa was the first to speak, "how?" She asked neither hostile nor friendly.

"When I was in the imperial academy I made a project that would target armor and kill the person wearing it. I could of sworn I destroyed it but when Ezra told his story I started to doubt myself." Sabine said tears welling up in her eyes.

"So your the one responsible for destroying my clan," Ezra said coldly.

"Yes" she said. She couldn't take it anymore she started to cry. Everyone except Ezra took a step back from her in horror.

Ezra's heart ached when he heard her cry and he couldn't take it ant longer. Instead of stepping back he stepped forward and took a knee next to her and slowly and gently placed his hand onto her shoulder. She stopped crying and looked up to see who wanted to comfort her. She was shocked to see Ezra of all the people she thought he would hate her the most. He then shocked everybody further by pulling her into a hug and slowly stroked her hair. Sabine started crying again into his shoulder making the showing fabric darken with tears. She sat their crying for what felt like an eternity but was only a few minutes. He slowly rose with her in his arms and took her to his speeder bridal style with her still crying into his shoulder. He nodded for everyone to get the armor of the deceased and go he would deal with her. He slowly got back onto his speeder with Sabine still in his arms and drove the long treck back to camp.

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