Chapter 8

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It had been three months since the Tie depot. They had been able to destroy a lot of imperial property. Sabine was sleeping when her com rang. She really didn't want to get out of the warm snuggle of her blanket. She knew she had to though. Sabine slowly reached her hand out of the cocoon of warmth grimacing at the cold air. She answered it, "hello?" She said in a drowsy voice.

"Sabine, that's no way to talk to your mother." A voice said from the com link.

Sabine was suddenly wide awake, "mother sorry I was just sleeping and I didn't know it was you." Sabine said hoping she would take pity.

"Alright child but I didn't call you to scold you." She said

"Then why?" Sabine asked confused because almost every other time her mother called it was to scold her for not being with the clan.

"I called because I need your help, Krownest is being taken over by the empire and we need your help. Bo Katan since she declared herself mand'alor has rallied as many troops as she can. If you can bring your crew it would be nice but if not we will be fine. Goodbye my daughter and I hope to see you soon." With that Ursa ended the call without a reply. I need to get their soon Sabine thought to herself.

Sabine jumped out of bed and ran to the phantom just remembering to grab her gear on the way their. Go go go go g-crash Sabine crashed into a person toppling them both to the ground. "Why are you going so fast" Ezra asked after a few second of being on the ground and turned his head to her.

"My clan needs me," she said getting up and collecting her stuff.

"Why?" Ezra asked.

"My mother and apparently the mand'alor called for troops and me specifically." She responded at saying those words Ezra became deadly serious.

"I'm going with you" he said walking to his room to get his gear as well. She didn't refuse just ran to the phantom and started to do a systems check. Ezra walked in a few minutes later with a large bag carrying everything he needed. "I left a note so the rest of the crew knows were we are going." Ezra said sitting in a chair.

"Why are you doing this? I didn't ask you." She said looking at him.

"No, you didn't but have you forgotten the vow. It says I must rally to the Mand'alor when called upon." He said. She shrugged and set the hyperspace coordinates. Luckily they were close to Krownest so it was only going to take a few minutes to get there.

I lied I promise to make the next chapter longer.

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