Chapter 4

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Sabine walked down the hall to see Ezra sitting on the couch in the commons looking at a holodevice. He looked up at her and sighed, "I don't want to be called a traitor, I try to forget what happened in the past. Also this will be the last time I say it, I'm not a traitor." He said looking directly in her eyes.

Sabine wanted to not believe him but her heart said he was telling the truth. She shoved her heart away trusting in her own mind. "Mhm" she said in a sarcastic tone. He just sighed and looked at his device while shaking his head.

"Tell me about your past," she said after a few minutes of silence.

"No" he said not looking up, "I don't like thinking about it."

"Come on" she said bringing her legs up onto the couch, "at least your clan name."

He put down his device and looked at her. "You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?" She just shook her head. "Fine I was in cl-"

"Everybody report to the cockpit we are coming out of hyperspace soon" Hera said over the com.

Ezra sighed in relief while Sabine sighed with contempt. "Guess we should go." Sabine said sadly.

"Ya" Ezra responded getting up and walking to the cockpit with Sabine.

They both entered the cockpit were everyone already was. Sabine glared at Hera when she entered behind Ezra. It wasn't long after until they came out of hyperspace next to Yavin 4. Ezra snickered to himself.

"What's so funny?" Hera asked him.

"Only that you probably chose the worst spot imaginable." He said trying not to laugh. They all looked at him with blank stares. "There's an entire imperial military base on Yavin 2." He said and he couldn't help himself he stared to laugh hard.

"You know we could still kick you out." Zeb said coldly.

Ezra sighed happily, "man I haven't laughed that hard in literal years." He said smiling at the memories.

"Ghost, this is Yavin 4 you are clear for landing." A radio operator said.

"Copy that commander, inform command we have a new recruit with us." Hera said.

"Roger Ghost, Yavin out," and with that the commander cut communications. The rest of the ride down was uneventful but Sabine smiled when she saw Ezra slightly tense when they landed, he obviously hadn't flown in a while.

(Ezra's gear set) Ezra went to the common are when they landed and got his gear ready. He had his helmet that had a range finder, night vision, thermal vision, and own air condition unit. He got his two Wester-35 pistols and put them in his holsters. He got his GALAAR-15 carbine from his bag and slung it across his right shoulder. He then grabbed his special vambraces which had a few little tricks. His right vambrace had a flamethrower, and his left hand had his grapple, they both had a very special gift in the lining that he never told anybody about. He strapped his jet pack on his back and then put both his two beskades into their holsters on his back, which he had cleaned and sharpened for any possible fight. Finally he put five thermal detonators on his chest just for good measure. He pulled on his helmet and walked out of the ship to the others who were mostly waiting patiently.

"Didn't now we were taking a star destroyer." Zeb said when he got out.

"Just a pre-caution" Ezra said and walked past them leading them to the base. The crew quickly ran to catch up with him. While they were walking even though they were the most well known they got some suspicious stares from other rebels.

When they went into the command center the entire command room turned to look at them. More specifically Ezra. Commander Sato was standing at the Holo-table and looked up to find a walking arsenal along with Ghost crew at the door way. "So this is the new recruit" Sato said scanning up and down the Mandalorean.

"Ya, we found him at the base we said we were going to hit." Hera said.

"Did he help you because I know you don't take on new crew members lightly." Sato asked.

"More like he single handedly killed every single stormtrooper by himself most of which were killed by his swords." Hera said.

"Beskades" Ezra said under his breath.

Sato looked at him, "why did you do it?"

"Food" Ezra responded.

"Five whole credits worth" Kanen chirped in.

Sato glared at Ezra. "I don't know" Ezra said seeing the disappointment in his eyes, " I guess I was just bored"

The entire mood of the room shifted from interested into fear. "Son we don't kill for fun." Sato said apprehensively.

"There were other reasons that I don't want to discuss" Ezra said a bit of warning in his voice.

Sato looked at Hera, "you sure you want him?"

"Ya" she said without a moments hesitation.

Ezra turned to Hera a small smile on his face even though nobody could see it. As his gaze swept back his eyes glanced over Sabine's backside. Wow he thought to himself. Kanen obviously heard it or sensed it and elbowed him in the side as a clear note that we can still drop you.

"Alright, go back to your ship I have a mission for you guys." Sato said motioning them to go back to their ship.

When they got back Chopper had gotten the mission file and projected it on the floor along with a holo picture of Sato. "Hello Ghost crew I'm sorry we couldn't brief in person we need you to get their as soon as possible so here is your briefing. As I can see and as I have heard your new crew member has much experience so we will send you on a mission that is about as difficult as the others. This," he said a picture of a tie fighter base coming into view, "is cs-2432 a tie fighter depot on Ryloth. It is starting to become one of the biggest tie fighter depot on that side of the galaxy because of all the fighting during the clone wars so it barely has to import stuff. However it's greatest asset is it's greatest weakness. The base is growing so fast that the security can't keep up. You're mission is to go in and destroy the base and make sure it can't be salvaged. Any questions?" Nobody spoke for a few seconds. "Good, may the force be with you."

"May the force be with you as well" Hera said before the hologram switched off. "Well," she said standing up, "if you wanna live you would come with me to the cockpit for takeoff." They nodded their heads in acknowledgment and came with her to the cockpit. When they were all in their seats Hera slowly took off. She set the course to Ryloth and hit the lever for hyperspace.

While in hyperspace Ezra noticed Sabine keep glancing at him almost disgustedly. She apparently couldn't take it anymore, "give me your armor Ezra." She said more as an order.

Ezra looked into her eyes and asked one simple question, "why?"

"Because each time I look at you I see your paint scraped off and I keep on thinking your a traitor."

Realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere he just nodded his head and went into the bathroom. He came out a few minutes later with normal clothes on and his armor in his hands.

"One more question." She said Ezra just nodded for her to continue, "what's your favorite color?"

Without a second thought he said "lava-orange," he realized what he said and tried to take it back, "actually not that color!"

"Nope already decided" she said. She turned on her heal and walked away.

Ezra couldn't help but watch her hips swing from side to side while she walked away from him. He whistled to himself that makes up for it he thought before walking to his makeshift room smiling to himself.

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