Chapter 13

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The lifeless body of the lightsaber wielder fell to the ground with a sickening thump. His blood making the snow a deep red. Everybody stared at him in shock. Sabine recovered first and ran over to Ezra. She kneeled down next to Ezra and slowly pulled Ezra's helmet off, or what was left of it. She lifted Ezra's head onto her lap and held it. "How?" Sabine asked.

Ezra took off his gloves and showed them to Sabine. "Mini beskar plating in glove." He said confidently.

"Hmm, we'll you gave me and the rest of us a right scare," she said gesturing to the people around. "But I'm just happy your alive," she said.

"Ezra, what happened?"somebody asked from the steps. They both turned their heads to see Alaric walking down the stairs towards them.

"Ah, it doesn't matter at least your alive." He said with a bright smile. Sabine held out her hand and helped Ezra up.

Ezra had a very large gash on his leg and a long scar on his face but acted tough even though the wounds were screaming at him. "Thanks," Ezra said through gritted teeth. He took a few limping steps until the pain died away slightly and he walked as normally as he could to the palace. "I'm going to go to the med bay." Ezra said walking away awkwardly.

"I really like him." Alaric said while looking at the orange figure walking away.

"Why," she asked with a confused look.

"Well," he responded, "he is a great and honorable warrior, he helps those in need and he also defended your honor without question during the meeting."

"How?" She asked liking Ezra more and more.

"A man called you laandur." He said, and she gasped. "And since you weren't their to defend your honor yourself he punched the guy in the face." She giggled slightly at this.

"Well I'm going to go check on him so see you later dad." She said walking away.

"Tell him to come find me or your mother to give a report on what happened here." He said to her.

"Alright" she said not looking back.

Sabine walked into the medic bay to see Ezra laying on a medical table getting bandages placed over his many wounds. "So," she said breaking the ice, "are you alright?"

"Yay, I'm fine." Ezra said looking up and smiling at her.

She sat next to Ezra trying not to look at his bare chest, "when you have the time my father told me to tell you to make a report on what happened."

"Alright," he said.

After a few moments of awkward silence Sabine said, "I guess I should be going."

"Ya" he said. She didn't move for several seconds just looking into his eyes. Screw it she thought and leaned forward and kissed him. She pulled away almost instantly and walked out without another word.

Ezra sat their with eyes and mouth open looking at the door were Sabine had just been. Ezra shook it off and blamed it on the heat of the moment. She didn't really like him he thought, did she? He pushed it off as a future Ezra problem.

Around thirty minutes later after the droids had gone over every diagnostic possible he was released. Ezra thought that maybe he should find Sabine. He walked out of the med bay and started to search for Sabine. When he turned the corner he crashed into someone. After a few seconds Ezra looked up to see a man with blonde hair and blue eyes with the Wren crest on his armor. He had high cheekbones and a pointed nose. "Sorry," Ezra said getting up, "I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh it's okay," the man said. He put out his hand to shake, "my names Micah and you are Ezra. It is an absolute pleasure to finally meet you."

"Oh the pleasure is all mine." Ezra said returning the shake.

"Say did you really kill that Rancor when you were thirteen?" Micah asked.

"Ya, so basically..." Ezra then proceeded to tell the whole story including the part about his family. Micah paid attention nodding asking the occasional question until it had become dark outside.

"Well," Micah said after the story, "I need to head out to my tent I'll see you later."

"Alright," Ezra said,"have a nice night." After he had walked off Ezra thought wow, what a nice guy.

Next part should be done soon. Book should be done by end of month.

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