Chapter 16

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Ezra looked up into the star filled sky hoping he had a purpose in this game they call life. He didn't notice Sabine walk up behind him or her sit right next to him. He really only noticed her when she cleared her throat. Ezra jumped and snapped his head at Sabine sighing in relief that it was just her.

"Happy birthday," she said softly with a small smile.

He started to freak out, praying to the first mand'olor that she didn't hear his private "conversation" with his dead parents. But before he could say anything she said, "I just wanted to say that I am truly deeply sorry for being responsible for the death of your family. If I would of known I wouldn't have even thought about that stupid machine." She put her face in her hands and said, "you probably hate me but I want you to know that I am sorry."

He stayed motionless for a few seconds processing what she had just said before silently scooting over and lightly placing a hand on her shoulder. She looked up happy to see him trying to forgive her, "if I had t had forgiven you, you would be six feet under."

She smiled weakly before burying her face into his neck and rapping her hands around it as well. He snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her even closer so that their already close body's smashed into each other the best they could while sitting. "Hey Ezra?" Sabine asked into his neck making him shiver at the vibrations. "Can I ask you something?"

"You just did." ;) (hopefully you get the reference.) "I also wanted to ask you something." He said.

She pulled away narrowing her eyes at him. She then punched him in the arm, "don't be smart with me." She said with a death glare.

He nodded his head fearfully. Her face softened and she asked a question that she had been wanting to ask for a while, "do you want to go get some food and have a picnic sort of thing some time?" She asked averting his gaze.

"Did you just ask me out?" He questioned thinking it was to good to be true.

"She looked down even further before saying in a soft voice that he barely heard, "maybe."

"Well in that case, no." He said. Sabine felt like her heart had been shattered into a million pieces and she wanted to cry.

She stifled a sob before saying, "alright, your to good for me anyways."

Seeing this as the perfect moment he said, "anyways, now to what I was going to ask. Do you want to go out? Like maybe we could get some food and have a picnic?" He said trying his best to not laugh.

Sabine looked up and hit him as hard as she could in the arm which was excruciatingly painful. His laughter that he was trying to hold in turned into a cry of pain. Sabine smirked at his pain knowing damn well that he deserved it.

After a few minutes of immense pain Ezra started to laugh a few moments later Sabine joined in. "I would love too," Ezra said still smiling.

The laughter slowly died down until they were left in a comfortable silence. Sabine sighed happily and then turned to Ezra,"we're did you get rainbow?" She asked with a strait face.

"Rainbow?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"You know, the Porg," she said.

"Oh, well you see," Ezra said while rubbing his neck, "remember the supply mission on Mandalor we had a week ago. Well, I was in the back alleys, don't ask me why, and I found a black market dealer selling exotic animals. I saw Rainbow, as you like to call him, being sold and he reminded me a lot about you. Also, a few nights back when we came here I was actually getting food and water for him." He finished with a lopsided smile.

She smiled but the smile didn't last. Sabine frowned at him and asked, "so, why didn't you tell anybody it was your birthday?"

Ezra put his hands behind him and leaned on them, "well, I didn't really see a point." He said shrugging.

"Why?" She asked puzzled, "even if none of the other mandalorians cared the crew would care and probably even some of my family."

"I don't know. Maybe I should have told you guys." He sighed and looked up at the stars. "Don't tell anybody it's my birthday. Please." Ezra looked at her straight in the eyes.

Sabine raised her arms in defeat, "alright I won't tell anyone, but we should probably get back to the party." She said getting up.

"Ya, your right." Ezra said standing as well.

Ezra and Sabine then started to walk to the door to the party.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been studying for finals and stuff like that. I also redact my previous statement a few chapters ago were I said I was going to finish this by the end of December. I might but more then likely not. Expect this story to be done eventually.


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