Chapter 6

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The Ghost landed in a slight dip in the landscape as to not be seem by pearing imperial eyes. Ezra got on his gear and headed outside to greet the rest of the crew. They walked up to the top of the sand dune and used their binoculars and range finders to spot the imperial base.

"Got it," Ezra said proud he could find it.

"Where?" Sabine asked standing next to Ezra.

"23 degrees north," he answered.

"Hmm, what do you recommend? I say we blow the doors up with thermal grenades and then plant explosives around the base." She said scanning the base for imperials.

"No," Ezra said, "doors made of elastic steel, thermal detonators can't get through that, you would need a satchel charge which I never leave without." Ezra proceeded to pull out a small box clipped onto his waist. "This," he said waving it around, "is an he-3290, it is the best explosive on the market. With this I say we blow up the fuel lines which are also made of elastic steel and in doing so it would set off a chain reaction and blow up the base."

"How do you know all this stuff?" Kanen asked with his eyebrow raised.

Ezra shrugged still scanning the base, "I've blond up plenty in my lifetime even before my family died." He then realized what he said, "um I mean uhhh..."

"Said something about your family, mind to elaborate?" Zeb asked.

Ezra just sighed, "I guess I can't hide it from you for long. My family and clan was one of the many destroyed by the purge and ever since then I've destroyed and killed more imperial stuff than I care to admit. But it all started at thirteen....."


"So what did you get on the hunt to prove your worth son." Ezra's father asked. A young thirteen year old Ezra pulled out a spike of a rancor from behind his back.

"I killed a Rancor," the young Ezra said with a straight face. His father looked in disbelief at the spike in his hand.

"Armorer here, now," he said with a sense or urgency. The armorer walked out of his tent and strolled over to Ezra and his father.

"What is I-" his eyes landed on the spike in Ezra's hand knowing immediately what happened he ushered Ezra into his tent. "This is an honorable kill" the armorer said when they were seated. "You shall be given a signet." Without a word of acknowledgment from Ezra he ran over to his supply of Beskar and took out a small piece of it. He placed the mold of a rancor's face in the molder and placed the Beskar in the center of the oven. "This won't be done in a while," he said gesturing for him to go.

Ezra walked out to see the preparations of a feast happening. He then walked to the tent to take off his armor and put on something a bit more casual. Right when he finished taking his armor off the alarm started to wail signifying an attack. Ezra ran out of his tent regretting taking of his armor off and looked up to see a star destroyer. Then something strange happened the star destroyer pulsed with lightning and shot it at the camp. Everyone that was wearing armor, which was everyone besides Ezra, got shocked by the lightning. After a few seconds of horrific screaming that Ezra will never forget everybody turned into ash.

After the first shock the star destroyer left leaving Ezra by himself. He trudged up slowly through the ash of his family and stopped at his fathers armor which was lava-orange just like the rest of his clan. He stooped down and picked up the helmet staring into it. "And I took the armor and left. I got captured and had to hide it but besides that it's been with me ever since.

"I'm so sorry Ezra," Sabine said and Ezra saw she was hiding something but didn't care.

"It's okay Sabine, it's not your fault," Ezra said with a warm smile.

After a few minutes of silence Hera interrupted,"Well, this base isn't going to blow its self up. Let's go and review the plan in the commons." Hera said standing up and walking to the ship.

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