Chapter 9

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The phantom came out of hyperspace in front of the icy planet Krownest. Sabine could see a few star destroyers orbiting the planet. The ship slowly descended into the atmosphere. When they came out of the cloud of ice and snow they were met by a beautiful landscape. The trees had fresh snow on them no doubt from the cloud they just passed through and the sun made the snow look like diamonds. The palace was in the middle of it all with hundreds of tents surrounding it probably for the warriors that accepted the call for help.

The ship landed and a greeting party led by Sabine's mother was their waiting for them. Before Ezra could get all of his armor on, Sabine had rushed out of the back ramp and hugged her mother. "I missed you" Sabine said into Ursa's shoulder.

"I missed you to child, I see you weren't able to get your crew. The Jedi would have been useful even if we were enemies at one point." Ursa said slightly saddened.

"Well that's not entirely true." As if on cue Ezra walked out of the ship with all his gear. At first everybody pointed their weapons at him but after seeing his armors color the more veteran troops put away their weapons.

Ursa's eyes narrowed on the figure. "I was told the mand'alor was calling the men back to defend the homeland so I tagged along." Ezra said walking down the ramp of the ship.

"What is your clan?" Ursa asked harshly.

"My clan's dead" Ezra said, "but if you need to know my clan is Bridger."

At this everybody gasped and went wide eyed. They had heard stories of that clan from their ancestors and if he wanted to he could probably take the entire camp by himself. Seeing no reason to point their blasters at him the remaining who still had them out holstered them.

"You never told me that," Sabine said playfully punching him in the shoulder.

"Didn't see a point in it." Ezra said.

"Well, what is your name Bridger." Ursa asked much more humbly.

"No need to be afraid of me," he said putting out his hand, "names Ezra" Ursa shook his hand but Ezra basically tore her arm out of her socket. "It's a pleasure to finally meet the mother of Sabine," he said smiling even though nobody could see it.

"Alright everybody stop gaping," Ursa said addressing the crowd that had grown much bigger due to Ezra. Slowly the crowd started to disperse. "Well" Ursa said gesturing forward, "shall we." Sabine walked in front while Ezra picked up his bag with his weapons and followed them at a respectable distance. "So," Ursa whispered to Sabine, "where did you meet him."

"The crew and I were going to steal stuff from some imps, but Ezra just waltzed in and killed the entire garrison." She said smiling at the memory.

"Well we will be holding a banquet for Sabine's return tonight so you, and her, are welcome to join." She said addressing Ezra and lead them to the palace. "Sorry Ezra but you will have to sleep in a tent we don't have room in the palace for you."

"No problem I slept in a cell and alleyway for my teen years" he said curtly before walking off to find a tent.

"He's very nice isn't he," Ursa said slightly astonished. "Tell me does he use a Beskad."

"No, he uses two." Sabine said giggling.

Ezra was swerving in between tents trying to be as discreet as possible but it's hard when your armor is bright orange. He kept on walking until he found an empty tent at the edge of the compound. He set his stuff down besides one of the beds and closed the folds of the tent. He pulled off his helmet and flicked it onto the bed laying on it as well as massaging his temples. After around ten minutes he got back up and opened his bag. Inside was his full arsenal of weapons. He layed them all down on an abandoned bed and admired it. He slowly undid all of his armor and placed it beside his bed. He then took off his jumpsuit and put on some sleeping clothes which was composed of a pair of shorts and nothing else. Hoping he could catch a few z's before the banquet he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Ezra later opened his eyes to an annoying tapping coming from his 'door'. He slowly got up and dragged his feet over to the entrance and opened the flap to admit Sabine.

Sabine's mother had told her to go fetch Ezra because the banquet was going to start very soon. She tapped on the entrance to what she thought was the right one and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for him to come out. Sabine heard a commotion in the room as the person that lives in the tent got up from their bed.

The leather meant as a door parted to admit a very shirtless Ezra. Her breath hitched as she saw the distinct lines of muscles on his chest. She would say she was very attracted to it, her dampening pants could testify to that. "Umm hi Ezra the banquet is soon so if you could join us that would be lovely." She said not looking into his eyes at all. In return he gave a tired smile and a faint nod before closing the leather flap again to put on his clothes. Wow she thought before she walked away from the tent with a huge smile on her face.

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