Chapter 5

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Sabine walked with Ezra's armor into her room and layed it out on her bed. She examined the armor closely and found that the armor was only Beskar nothing else. Because of that it was much more durable than most Mandalorean armor. She daintily picked up the helmet just in case she might break it. She knew there had probably been many people in this armor and she decided to ask Ezra about it later. Lava orange she thought very specific. She got her paints out and searched through the box to try and find it. She was finally able to find it and pulled it out. She thought she was very lucky for her to even have it let alone being water proof. Sabine then realized why it was his favorite color, it had an amazing vibrant color that you couldn't help but stare at for a few seconds. Before she could go any further she needed to find out more about this armor. Sabine searched the armor thoroughly and thought that the gloves were slightly off but she shrugged it off. Sabine slowly and methodically dipped her brush in some paint and got trapped in the zone. She spent the next two hours painting it and then another hour to make sure it was drying properly. She stepped back and admired her work.

As she was admiring her work she heard a knock on her door. Sabine was slightly annoyed that she was interrupted, but she opened the door anyway to admit Ezra. "Hi Ezra I just finished painting your armor if you were wondering," she said with a warm smile. For some reason Ezra was starting to grow on her but she tried not to show it.

After saying those words he visibly relaxed.

"Thank force," he muttered as he walked in to her room non aggressively pushing past her.  He picked up his armor and it brung back memories. Good, bad, and ugly memories. He moved his hand across the helmet and did something he hadn't done for over a decade, he started to cry. At first it was a barely audible sob but it turned into actual tears and he placed his forehead on the helmet and cried his eyes out. "I'm sorry" he said looking into the visor of the helmet.

Sabine knew she had to do something so she silently walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. He turned around and dug his face into her shoulder and cried for a long time letting the pain and sorrow of his life stream out of him. When he finally recovered he looked into her eyes Ezra was slightly taller then her and so had to look down to see her eyes. "Thank you," he said, "for everything. Letting me join painting my armor and being a shoulder to cry on. Thank you Sabine" he said with a sad smile.

He stroked her cheek as a sign of appreciation, "I owe you one, or should I say two?" He said smiling. He released  her cheek much to Sabine's disappointment and walked over to his other armor and picked it up.

"Oh also I think your glove is rotting," Sabine said as an afterthought.

"Sure, we could call it that" he said leaving her more confused about the glove. She just shook it off like before.

When Ezra was in the bathroom he took the liberty to dress in his gear since he didn't have his own room right now. He stepped out surprised to see the entire crew standing outside eager to know what he looked like in his armor.(envision the cover) "well" he asked with his arms out.

"You look good," Kanen said.

"Ya, kid" Zeb said.

Chop beeped an insult.

"Very handsome," Hera said in a motherly fashion.

"De te force gar are ori nadala o'r megin"  Sabine said looking at him with wide eyes, which Ezra blushed hard at.

"Ger are te essence be beauty" Now it was Sabine's turn to blush.

"Can you two stop flirting in Mando we are about to arrive at Ryloth" Hera said and then proceeded to walk to the bridge.

"Kriffing utreekov" Ezra said under his breath which made Sabine giggle.

When the crew was in the cockpit five minutes from coming out of hyperspace Zeb noticed Ezra was twirling something around in his hand. "What's that" he asked pointing at the shinny thing.

Ezra held it up for them all to see. Upon seeing it Sabine's mouth dropped. "You got a Rancor signet," she said disbelief evident in her voice.

"Ya," he said chuckling at the memory, "I killed one at thirteen which was my verd'gotten or my right of passage to the rest of you because I had single handedly killed a rancor my clan thought it worthy to give me a signet." His face and voice grew somber and he stared at the signet, "same day I lost them as well." That single comment cut them all deep, because he hadn't shared any of his past besides the very insignificant bit of backstory, but before anybody could purse the topic the hyperspace thingy beeped saying they were exiting hyperspace.

"Home." Hera said smiling at the desolate planet.

Mandolorean language

-De te force gar are ori nadala o'r megin- by the force you look hot in that

Ger are te essence be beauty-you are the essence of beauty


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