Chapter 3

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Ezra was happy he was able to get off of that planet and he felt like he had an actual family and home for once in a long time. He was so deep in thought he didn't notice Chopper sneak in and take his helmet. Around fifteen minutes went by when he looked around the room and felt like something wasn't their. His eyes wandered the room until they came to rest on the spot his helmet used to be. Oh no he thought to himself looking around. Maybe I miss placed it he thought to himself trying to find were it was. It got so bad he started to upturn the temporary bed which was the sofa in the common room. He then started to tear the room apart and he knew he would probably get scolded but it would be worth it. "Where is it?!" He yelled to thin air.

"Where's what" a voice said behind him. He did a one eighty to find he was staring at the entire crew behind him trying to hold in their laughter. Ezra's cheeks flushed red.

"How long have you been here." He asked embarrassed that he hadn't noticed them earlier.

"Answer my question first. What is so important that you have to tear my ship apart" Hera said more annoyed then amused.

" helmet" he said in a quite voice.

"What's so important about it besides that it is made of Beskar?" Sabine asked

Ezra stayed silent a few seconds "emotional value" he said quieter than before.

"And what is its emotional value worth?" Kanen asked.

"Nothing you need to know about, only I would fly this ship into a star if I couldn't find it." He responded only halve joking. Only half.

"Well it obviously isn't in here so clean it up," Hera said slightly angry.



And with that she stormed off to the bridge with the rest following behind. He then spent the next thirty minutes cleaning every single crevice in the common area to were it looked cleaner than when it was first built. He found he had so much adrenaline that he started to clean the rest of the ship without a second thought. Surprisingly the crew were in the bridge the entire time so he didn't have to worry about being interrupted. It cleared his head and half way through he heard a somewhat familiar beep from behind him.

He turned around to see Chopper with his helmet in one claw arm thing. "Ohhh! I'm gonna get you you piece of worthless metal." He started to chase Chopper around the entire ship almost able to get him until Chopper slowed down in front of the cockpit and beeped a little bit at the open door which Ezra didn't notice and Ezra proceeded to tackle the droid full force driving them both down a good four yards of hallway. Ezra seized the helmet and waved it above his head victoriously.

"What are you doing" a surprised and obviously angry Hera said as she walked out of the cockpit no doubt the person Chopper was talking to a few seconds ago.

"Ummm....nothing" Ezra said trying to look innocent, he looked down to see chopper on his back cursing up a storm, "oh, hay chop didn't see you their" Ezra said as he helped the droid off the ground. The droid then provided to shock Ezra with enough power sending him on the ground and triggering a flash back.


A fifteen year old Ezra was being strung up by his hands being shocked repeatedly by stormtroopers.

"Ahhhhh" Ezra screamed in pure agony trembling after even though he wasn't being shocked.

"Now" said a very evil voice, "you will suffer even more for what your family did to the Empire."

"No plea-Ahhhh"

"Ezra" said the cruel voice.


"Ezra?!" He was being screamed at into his earlobe. Ezra shivered and curled int a ball shaking as sweat came down his face.

Ezra let out a shuddering sigh to see he was back on the ghost. He looked up to see the concerned faces of his crew mates the most concerned being Sabine. As soon as Sabine saw Ezra was okay she stood up the concern gone. Ezra immediately hid all of his feelings away breaking out with a grin across his face which confused and concerned them even more.

"Hey watts up" Ezra said surprised by his own calmness.

"You tell me," Sabine said standing next to him with her hands on her hips.

"Oh, nothing" he said obviously lying. As much as he didn't want to he slowly rose to his feet and brushed him self off. "Chopper" he said glaring at the robot, "I'll get you back for that." He smiled to the rest of the crew and walked away.

"That was....interesting" Kanen said when Ezra was out of earshot. "When he first woke up I could feel many emotions from him, pain, fear, loss, and sorrow. But when he realized we were watching him he hid the emotions easily as if he's done it many times before. I also got a few images." He said solemnly.

"And what we're they?" Zeb asked.

"He was in a cell being shocked by stormtroopers. He was probably fifteen." He said the air in the room heavy.

"Sabine" Kanen asked, "could you try to find out more."

"Why me" Sabina said annoyed that she had to talk to the traitor.

"Because I said so" Kanen said.

"Fine" she said "well I have to cheer him up so see you guys soon." She concluded and meandered down the hallway to commons.

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