Liar Smurf

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Clumsy's POV

I heard Reporter Smurf yelling. He's coming closer. I don't like him. Why does he think I have a secret lover? I've only had one lover and she dumped me. She was from the other village but she was too busy guarding Smurfy Grove so we broke things off. It wasn't too serious so I didn't mind. I don't think Reporter Smurf thinks it's her though, I feel he is looking far too deep. Only people I'm close to are Brainy, Smurfette, and Grouchy. Grouchy was who I was writing the note to, but it wasn't romantic, just me trying to cheer up my pal. 


His voice made my heart speed up, it was terrifying. I don't like how he talks. He's always trying to gather information out of thin air. He has solved a couple mysteries like who was stealing Gutsy's socks (It was Jokey) and how true stories get distorted as they pass through people's tellings of them. But now, all he does is that, Spread false news. he shouldn't be Reporter Smurf, He should be Liar Smurf. Some people still listen to him and believe every word. I know Grouchy has his doubts, but I don't want him to think I really have a secret lover. What if he thought I was keeping secrets from him? I don't have time to think. I need to hide before he sees me. I jump and hide behind a bush. I could see the porch, and through Grouchy's window. I didn't want him to see me but it was too late. Reporter Smurf was at his doorstep.

Surprisingly, he just throws the newspaper through the newspaper slot. I didn't even know his door had a newspaper slot, that would have been a better way to slide in the note. 

I zone in, away from my thoughts. I must have been gone for a hot minute, as Reporter Smurf was pretty far away. I was about to start walking up to Grouchy's porch once again, but I see his face. He was once again sad. Did he hate Reporter Smurf as much as I did? One more second and I would have dashed up to his porch, but he closed the blinds, I could see his shadow walk away from the door. What's wrong with Grouchy now? What is on that paper?

I go up to Reporter Smurf's stand I try to grab a paper, when he stops me. "Hey Clumsy." I don't like the sight of Reporter Smurf. "Hi Reporter." "I see you came here to grab one of my papers." "Indeed I did." "Here, your story is right here." He pointed to a random story, my eyes focused. Clumsy Smurf writing love note to mysterious lover? Seriously? I didn't doubt he'd write about it but it was a little annoying. All he does is lie, and people still believe him.

"Wow! I didn't think you'd write about it." "Of course I would, newest gossip in the village, everyone is going to know about it." I felt a sweat start to form on my forehead. I am nervous, and I don't need to be, at least I don't think I do. "But it's not true, Nosey!" "Oh yeah? Then why are you so nervous? I am going to expose your secret, and everyone's going to know." "But it wasn't even a love note. It was for my friend" "Which one, Smurfette, Sassette, or is it Smurflily?" "None, it was Gr-" I got cut off by someone else screaming "GROUCHY!" 

I see him angrily storming off, only to see everyone else mad at him.

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