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Grouchy's POV

"You know Grouchy, there was something else that happened this morning." "Ugh, what is it" "It's about Clumsy. He may have encountered Hefty Smurf." I sat up straight, I sure hope he's okay. "What happened, what did Hefty do?" "The question you should be asking is what did Clumsy do." "Did he beat Hefty up too?" "Oh goodness no, he just got into a screaming match with him." "Oh, really?" "Yes Grouchy, care to guess what the argument was about?" Oh no those eyes. He knows something. "Smurfberry pie?" "No you buffoon, it was about you." "What?" "About you fighting Hefty, Clumsy was sticking up for you." Sounds like Clumsy "He said that Hefty should change his name because he couldn't beat you, and that his nose is purple for a reason." That does not sound like Clumsy. "What?" "Oh nothing, just a silly argument that happened in the middle of the town, say, you can check tomorrow's paper, there'll probably be a segment for it." "Okay, will do I guess." "So, Vanity, why did you originally tell me to come here?" "Oh well, you see, there's this gorgeous smurf I wanted to talk to you about." "Who?" "Well, it's Handy Smurf." "Handy? You like him out of everyone?" "Yes! Have you seen his works? I could see him build things for hours." "Oh boy." "What?" "You guys are complete opposites!" Vanity's happy expression changed into an annoyed one. "But you and Clumsy are the same person?" "Fair point" He got me there."Oh, look at the time, you've got to leave." "But I just got here." "Yes and now you must go. I got a business meeting." "Alright Vanity, is that all?" "Yes... no, there's one more thing." "About?" "Clumsy." Intrigued, I listened carefully. "Don't take him personally, it could have been a heat of the moment thing, but... he said he just saw you as a friend." Ouch. That hurt my heart a little. "Oh." "Yeah, sorry pal, I'm sure you'll get him someday." "Thanks, Vanity." "You're welcome Grouchy! You're welcome here anytime. That is unless I'm busy." "Okay Vanity, goodbye now." "Bye!" 

Does he really not like me back? It's not like I thought he did. Maybe the gifts falling were a good thing after all. He would have probably been weirded out by them anyways.

clumsy x grouchyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora