Mystery Solved

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Grouchy's POV

The is sun my eyes. It's morning already? I'm still tired from yesterday. I should get up though. I don't want to sleep in. 

I said I'd meet Vanity today. I almost forgot. I wonder if he still wants to meet up today.

I knock on his door. "Vanity, you there?" "Oh yes. I'm here I'm surprised you actually came." He opened the door for me. He had the same weird look he gave me last time I saw him. "Yeah. Everyone keeps giving me weird stares." "I mean, you did beat up two smurfs yesterday." "Yeah, I guess." "And there's also that new newspaper article about you." "An article?" "About you and Clumsy. It was released this morning. So you're his secret lover, hm? How smooth." "I'm sorry?" "Oh, don't be I'm alright." "That's not what I meant Vanity. What do you mean I'm Clumsy's lover, where did you hear that?" "Grouchy I just told you. The newspaper. You really need to listen." "Yes I know. I'll work on it." "No you won't." "That's true." "You know I'm always right." "I can't stand you Vanity." "Perhaps that's why we didn't work out." "It wasn't my fault Vanity. You're unbearable." "And you're loathsome Grouchy." "You can't possibly believe that Reporter Smurf, he's always making up rumors." "I initially didn't believe it. But your reactions say otherwise. So tell me Grouchy, do you like Clumsy?" "What-" "Don't lie to me Grouchy. I already know my answer. I just want to hear you say it." "Why should I say if you already know?" "I love being told I'm right. So do it, tell me I'm right Grouchy, or explain all your gifts you got for him. Tell me why you got so angry when said gifts were destroyed. How did he running after you make you change your mind and come back to the village." I thought about saying no, but I know Vanity. His terribly handsome smile is telling me that he won't change his mind no matter what I tell him. Might as well say it. "Yes Vanity, you're right. I like Clumsy." Saying it felt odd. I never thought about liking Clumsy until this moment, and, I guess I do. "I knew it! You're terrible at hiding secrets." "I'm not a secret lover of his though." "Of course you're not. How would you even ask him out? You've never brought him something romantic before the flowers." "Okay Vanity, whatever, can I see the article?" "Yes! Here you go."

The Daily Smurf 

issue:1267 Grouchy Smurf The Village Bully

Yesterday Grouchy Smurf attacked Jokey and Hefty Smurf. Smurfs terrified? What caused this terrible encounter? Jokey Smurf told me, Reporter Smurf that he was just trying to pull a light prank on Grouchy. When he was attacked. Hefty tried to break up the fight between both smurfs, only to be beaten to the ground by Grouchy Smurf. I Reporter Smurf will keep you all in the loop if any new information is disclosed.

issue:1268 Clumsy Smurf's Lover Mystery Solved?

I Reporter Smurf, have been searching far and wide for answers and I may have found the final puzzle piece required. I was studying the leftover scene from the attacks when I found some crazy clues. There were pieces of Smurfberry pie, from Baker Smurf's Bakery. Trampled flowers from Vanity and Smurfette's Boutique. And a stained painting from Painter Smurf's Studio. Some very romantic offerings, who were being carried by no other than Grouchy Smurf. Is this new budding romance the reason for such a vile attack? Was Grouchy only protecting his treasured gifts he was going to give no one other than Clumsy Smurf? This evidence is proved further by the fact that Clumsy was the smurf to retrieve Grouchy from the forest after his attack. Clumsy and Grouchy were seen walking back into the village, holding hands, before Grouchy had to report to Papa Smurf. Have I your trustworthy Reporter Smurf cracked the mystery? It sure seems that way.

Comments from our sponsors:

Gutsy Smurf - I still can't believe that Grouchy beat Hefty! Crazy!

Clueless Smurf - What do you mean Jokey got hurt? And Hefty? When did this happen?

The Daily Smurf rights reserved to Reporter and Editor Smurf.

"Wow. That's quite something." "I wish Painter Smurf could paint a picture of your face right now. It's hilarious." "That's nice Vanity."  

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