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The Daily Smurf

issue:1275 A Smurfy Breakup?

I, Reporter Smurf, have heard from my fellow smurfs, that another conflict has risen in Smurf Village. Clumsy Smurf got into a very loud verbal altercation in the early morning with Hefty Smurf. Clumsy claimed that his alleged boyfriend Grouchy Smurf was stronger than anyone in Smurf Village, Clumsy also mocked Hefty's injuries and was very hostile towards him. But that's not all, it seems like Clumsy and Grouchy have been having some relationship issues, as I Reporter Smurf got a very controversial picture of Grouchy Smurf and, no one other than his ex Vexy Smurf kissing. Is this the end of Clumsy x Grouchy?

Clumsy's POV

Why doesn't Grouchy want to talk to me? I need some advice on what to do. I can't lose my best friend, I need to talk someone.

I think I know where to go.

"Hello? Smurfette?"

"Hello Clumsy! Are you alright?" 

Wow I must be looking pretty bad if she already knows something is wrong. 

"Yes, well actually, no."

"Oh no! Come in."

She let me in to her mushroom, it still smells like flowers.

"What's wrong Clumsy?"

"Well, I tried to talk to Grouchy yesterday, and he didn't want to talk."

"Are you sure that's not just normal Grouchy?"

"No, it's different, he doesn't act grouchy when I'm around, he only acts mad for a couple second then calms down, yesterday he told me to go away and he didn't sound the same."

"What did he sound like?"

"His voice cracked and it sounded.. I don't know, that's just not regular Grouchy."

"Well maybe something is wrong with Grouchy, he does stay calm around you."

"What could it be?"

"I don't know, but Vanity did mention something in a meeting yesterday..." Smurfette's voice trailed off and went quiet, what was she hiding?

"What did he say?"

Smurfette's eyes got wide and then went back to their normal size. "Clumsy."


"Can I ask you a crazy question."

"Sure.? What is it?"

"Do you like Grouchy?"

"Of course, he's my best friend."

Smurfette's eyes landed down at my shoes, what is she looking at?

"Clumsy, you know what I'm asking."

"What? No I don't."

"You always move your foot around when your nervous, I won't tell a smurf."

I stay quiet.

"Do you have a crush on Grouchy?"

I think about what she says.

I know my answer.

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