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Clumsy's POV

What's going on? "Grouchy! Where are you going?" My questions received no answers from him. 

"Brainy? What happened, why is Grouchy mad?" "Were you not listening? Grouchy just beat up Jokey and Hefty." "WHAT?" Reporter Smurf said, cutting into the conversation. I was as stunned as him, I mean, Grouchy? Beating Hefty up? Completely unheard of. 

"What do you mean?" "Clumsy were you really not listening? The whole village was shouting!" "No I was talking to Reporter Smurf." "Oh. of course. Talking about your love life hm?" "No! I don't have a crush on anyone. Why does no one listen." "Calm down Clumsy it was a joke." "Okay, well, can you tell me what happened?" "Oh yes, Grouchy was walking down the path when Jokey approached him. Jokey being Jokey tried to prank him, Grouchy was having none of it. Jokey grabbed Grouchy's pie, and shoved it in his face. Grouchy then shoved Jokey to the ground and started yelling at him. Hefty tried to get Grouchy away but Grouchy punched him too, and knocked him to the ground. People think Grouchy might even be expelled from the village because of it."

What the smurf? I need to find him. "Hey Brainy, I'm going to go find him I'll be back." "I don't think that's a good idea Clumsy." "That's alright! I'll be fine."

Where would he go? I need to hurry, it's going to get dark soon. "Clumsy, come here." I hear Papa's voice, he's angry. "Where are you heading?" "I'm going to find Grouchy." "No you are not. It's too dangerous." "He won't do anything. He's my friend!" "Grouchy is Hefty's friend too, and look at what he did." Wow. Hefty's face was 3 different shades of blue. "I know, I'm sorry but I have to go and make sure he's okay." "Clumsy, no." "Papa, yes. I am Hero Smurf, remember? I have to make sure Grouchy is fine." "But Clumsy-" Sorry Papa, but I have to run. What way would he go? These woods all look the same. Whatever, I'll find him. 

These trees just keep getting thicker and thicker. If I keep walking I'll probably reach the other village. The hiss of the leaves makes me sick. Oh, where could he be? I can't give up now I'm sure he's close.

It's been minutes of me walking in silence. The sun is setting. I've got to return soon. "GROUCHY! Where are you?", "Come back!", "Grouchy please!" Nothing works. 

That is until I see him. Covered in cake still. 

"Grouchy why did you leave? Come back, It's getting late." "No." "No? Why not?" "I don't want to talk to anyone." "But Grouchy, you're talking to me." "That's different. I can stand you, I can't stand the others." Grouchy saying that was for sure sweet. It's nice to know he doesn't completely hate everyone. "Grouchy it's late. You're coming home." "No." "No? I walked into this scary forest just to have you say no." "You didn't have to do that." "Of course I did. You're my friend. I have to make sure you're okay." "Fine." Finally, we can go back. The sun is nearly set and we are far out from the village in the forest, again. How great.

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