A Simple Smurf

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Grouchys POV

"Now, I will say this. I'm a simple smurf, I don't want much, but I don't understand why I have to be so, what's that word?"

"Grouchy!" Gutsy Smurf replied to me.

"What?" I soon snapped out of my train of thought. I was thinking out loud again. That's silly of me. But I couldn't stop thinking. If only someone understood. I accidentally said talking out loud again.

"I understand!" replied Vanity

"You do?"

"Oh totally! I can't stop but think about what others think of me whenever I'm just looking at my mirror. It's like my life revolves around it you know"

"Yeah, I understand." I didn't understand at all. Why does my life revolve around me being grouchy?

"Yeah but that's just how its meant to be isn't it?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, astonished at what I am hearing. I turn, only to see him making out with his own reflection.

"Ugh get a shroom"

"Well, someone's jealous" Vanity smirked at me. I could not help but feel disgust. I felt myself gag.

I wasn't jealous, just confused. Why do I have to be so mean, I mean why couldn't I be positive again? That worked out for me when we had to save Smurfette.

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