Path We Both Walked

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Grouchy's POV

He had a secret lover? Why didn't he tell me, does he not trust me? He has to. I'm his friend. I've been there with him. I've helped him with.. nothing. I've never helped Clumsy. Now thinking about it, I've never helped anyone. Of course Clumsy wouldn't tell me. Smurf, I need to do better. 

I need Clumsy, I need to tell him that I'm sorry. It wasn't his fault. I never thought it was but what if he thinks it is? Wouldn't be out of character for me to blame him. How can he stand me? Sure, he's annoying, clumsy and reckless, but I'm unlikable, grouchy, and mean. I'm worse than he could ever be. I haven't ever done anything nice for him while he's done everything for me. I can't believe myself. Where is he? Oh, right. Probably with his new smurf. 

A gift would be a nice thing to get Clumsy. I could get him some flowers, or a pie from the Bakery, I'm sure he'd like it. 

I see Painter's studio, I'll buy him a new painting, I hope he likes it. What else should I get? Flowers! He'll love them.

"Hello Grouchy, how unusual of you to be here. What do you need?" "Just some flowers, the best you have." "Some flowers? Who are they for? Do you too have a secret lover?" "What?" "Like Clumsy, everyone who reads the paper knows. It's so romantic. I wonder who it is." "Yeah, I wonder, could I get the flowers.?" My voice was unsteady, that annoyed me. Vanity's eyes were staring sharply at me. It's like he can taste my uneasiness. He was staring me down hard, his eyes were examining me like Azreal finding his prey. I can feel him grow suspicious. What is up with him? Why is he so weird. I move my face to make me seem annoyed, it seems to work. Vanity scurries over to a bouquet. It was beautiful. I pay and leave without a word. 

The pie! I almost forgot.

Smells of sweet pastries wafted into my nose. It was delicious. Baker Smurf made smurfberry pie. Clumsy's favorite. Of course I had to get it for him. It smelled delightful.

I can't wait to give this to Clumsy. He'll love it. I can't wait to see his face, he'll be so happy, I'll finally do something nice for him. He deserves it. I see Jokey and Dopey hanging out. Jokey hands him a gift, Dopey opens it and it explodes on his face like always. How original. 

Jokey is walking towards me. Just what I need, for him to ruin the surprise. "Hi Grouchy!" "Hi Jokey. I'm busy, talk later." He blocks my path. What is he doing? "I have a surprise, it won't take long I promise." "No. I need to give him this pie before it goes cold." "I have a perfect thing for pies." "I don't need it. Let me through." "No, just take the surprise!" "Stop being so annoying." "Stop being so grouchy." He grabs the pie from my hand and throws it. At me. It goes on the painting and flowers, everything. Why did he do that? I feel as if I have completely lost control of myself, I grab his head and slap it onto the rocky path. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs about how terrible he was, about how much I hated him, so I did. "You Smurfity Smurf Smurf Smurf. You ruined everything. You always do. When have your jokes made someone smile? When have you ever done something good? Does anyone even enjoy being around you? No. All you do is ruin people's days. No one likes to be around you because you're so unlikable. No one will willingly talk to you. You always talk first because you're so annoying, and you'll always talk last. People would rather ignore you than just tell you to stop, because they know you won't. You won't ever change, because you can't. If you could you would have done it long ago. You only bother people. That's all you do and will ever do." Hefty pushed me off him, so I punched him in his blue ball of a nose. He punched back, I punched harder. I only felt rage, I usually don't fight people as it seems like a waste of time but this was different. It was for Clumsy. If I let them win, it means I'd let Clumsy down. Hefty did a great punch. I felt pain but that only fueled me. Shouts from the other smurfs were becoming louder. I punched Hefty and he fell to the ground, Gutsy grabbed me from the back and pinned me down. Hefty got up and helped him. Karate Smurf, Vexy and Papa were standing in front of me. I could try to fight but I'd only get into more trouble, I give up. I've failed Clumsy. I can't stay here, I need air. As I walk, I see Clumsy. He's turned around the other way talking to Reporter Smurf, probably talking about his love life. I still couldn't believe it. I wish he knew how much he meant to me, but now he'll never know. I need to clear my head.

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