With the King and Queen

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I greet my parents and sister as I walk into the throne room.
I smile at them then become more serious and say, "I need some help because a liar is lying about our family and many more famous people and think exposing her at my coronation would be best."
"Okay though, we might need more reason then that," my father says.
I hand them the evidence and say, "She also got the class to despise me and threatened me."
I watch as my parents eyes go wide from what I said and what I have claimed.
Then, my father says, "Of course we will help you expose her!"
"Okay, thanks! I need to go and recruit everyone else I need for my plan," I walk out after saying that.
As I pass Adrien, Alya, and Sarah, I give them a thumbs up to show I have my parents and sister in our side. I can't wait to watch you stolen kingdom you restored with lies fall.
Alec (Marinette's father the king)
    My eldest daughter walks into the throne room where I am with my wife and youngest daughter. She greets us as she walks in the room.
She smiles at us then begins to look more serious and say, "I need some help because a liar is lying about our family and many more famous people and think exposing her at my coronation would be best."
"Okay though, we might need more reason then that," I say considering the idea.
She hands us some papers then adds, "She also got the class to despise me and threatened me, what?! No one threatens my daughter!"
I read the paper I was given. As I read it, my eyes go wide at all this girl has claimed. This is outrageous. How does anyone believe this liar?!
Then, I angrily say to my daughter Marinette , "Of course we will help you expose her!"
"Okay, thanks! I need to go and recruit everyone else I need for my plan," she walks out after saying this.
Looks like she has a plan, I can't wait to help her execute it. This liar will fall for attempting to taint my family's name.
Next I will talk to Jagged as he has been lied about too. It would be bad if everyone in Paris believed Lila's lies for him because then he wouldn't be as popular for "writing a song about her". It will be good to have people on my side.
I listen to the conversation Mari has with her parents as I am right outside the door with Alya and Sarah.
I hear Mari say, "I need some help because a liar is lying about our family and many more famous people and think exposing her at my coronation would be best."
"Okay though, we might need more reason then that," I hear King Alec says.
I then hear Mari add, "She also got the class to despise me and threatened me."
Lila did what?! I can't believe she threatened Marinette!
King Alec says with the new found evidence, "Of course we will help you expose her!"
"Okay, thanks! I need to go and recruit everyone else I need for my plan," Mari says before I see her walk out of the throne room.
As she passes us,  Marinette gives us a thumbs up to show the she got her parents and sister our side. I smile at her as she walk towards her room very determined like. I think I might like her as more than a friend for once.

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