There he goes, looking for a blonde child.

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WArning : violence, (a bit more and some blood???)

Techno smiled at the people, trying his best to get through the crowd, he heard the police, they were trying to get through but failing miserably. The pink-haired boy needed to get back to Wilbur, his brother is good at combat, but he usually gets too mad and waves around aimlessly, like one of those car wash things. 

"Wil!" Techno called as he finally finished with his photos and autographs. 

"Excuse me." Techno smiled nicely towards the group, they all moved aside. 'Damn, maybe being a hero won't be so bad, then again. Governments suck.' the pinkette walked out of the group; the crowd had dispersed, some gawking at the autographs they got. though he was uncomfortable when people just randomly started to blush at him for smiling and some asked if he could take off the mask, which he didn't.

As he moved through the crowd he saw his brother. He resembled something like a boar at the moment, fitting. 

'where is this son of a bitch that stole my blood.' Wilbur was running around people weren't making any eye contact, he did look like someone that used drugs even though he resembled to be younger than them. He ran around, now he was pissed, he took out his book only for him to see a shadow of something very familiar, Philza. 

"EH HEM." Philza flew down, the boy with the bucket hat crossed their arms.

"...NOT NOW SOME CHILD STOLE MY BLOOD-!" Wilbur flipped through the pages looking for the name, though it probably won't show up for him, to his complete shock he was there... in standard text rather than red. 

'That's not right.' 

"WIL!" Techno yelled. he'd grabbed his seemingly surprised brother, only to stop in his tracks, and slowly moonwalked back as soon as he saw Phil. 

"AYY HEY FANS LOOK OVER THERE THE OTHER DUDE WITH ME!" Techno yelled getting everyone's attention. The group of people who were only starting to disperse began to form around Philza. 

"Can I get your autograph?" the group asked, Techno reached for Wilbur's hand and ran for it. As they got to the emptier streets, Wilbur was still out of it.

"I saw some blood on the ground, what happened?" The twin with pink hair asked his brother with a thousand-yard stare. 

'we're medling into the world's plot.' Wilbur kept staring at the book hoping it would reload or something, it might just be glitching. 

"What's wrong Wil?" The twin asked, Wilbur was opening and closing the book as if it would do something. 

"Wil?" the pink-haired twin poked her brother on the cheek, the twin with the book broke out of his trance. 

"Huh? What?" Wilbur stopped opening and closing the book and threw it, making it disintegrate. 

"You looked like you've seen a ghost." Techno joked, nudging his brother. 

"yeah... a ghost—WAIT THAT'S HER!" the twin with a trench coat pointed at some blonde girl with similar hair color to Niki when she joined the server. Before Techno could ask about what he meant Wilbur was booking it down the street, yelling "OI I NEED THAT BLOOD TO LIVE YOU SHIT!". Techno looked upon his brother, and then looked behind him, either go to Phil and get thrown to next Friday or run after his brother to get his blood back. 

'I am not going to chase after a little girl only for the voice to just tell me to kill a child.' Techno launched something at his brother, hopefully, it would lead him back to the dorm. The twin moved his cape out of the way, it swayed with the wind, many people looked upon some thinking that this supposedly secret student of U.A. was also a secret pro Hero but all those were just assumptions since Techno does not want to work for the government. 

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