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Clouds moved like the flowy fabric of the skirts of a thousand dancers in the sky, you could almost picture the routine they followed. One step to the right, placing one foot behind the other in two steps to raise their leg as high as their body allowed them to then twirl in their to end the scene. The trees were the instruments that played the music for the sky dancers, moving in sync with them until the sky turned grey completely.

Your elbow moved to the rest over your knee, placing your head on top of your fist with the slight tilt of your head. It was doomed to be a cloudy day, the rain threatening to start falling down over you sooner than you would like. It had been a rather beautiful day until you had come out of the castle, not giving it a second thought as to the reason why it had turned so gloomy. Since you were a child you had believed you had power over the weather, no doubt your own mood had reflected itself on the sky as soon as you left the walls of the castle behind.

With a low breath out, your hand reached for the book you carried inside your bag, getting it open on the place you had placed one of your pressed flowers. Parchment and ink followed soon after as you started reading, lazy writing of whatever ideas you thought important for your assignments. Paragraph after paragraph of information turned in one chapter of the book, placing your quill down to go over what you had written one last time before putting it away. You didn't hear the low ruffle of grass behind you.

"I thought I'd found you here."

You perked your head up from your notes, turning with a small smile. "A true detective." you said, moving your things to make space next to you.

Sirius smiled, sitting with his legs stretched out "What can I say? I'm more than just a pretty face." he said proudly, throwing his head back with a dramatic flip of his hair.

You snorted at that, taking one glance at his over the top confidence. You shook your head and pushed his shoulder with little force.

He chuckled lightly, opening his eyes and straightening his posture. He moved his legs to sit criss crossed, looking carefully over you. "What are you doing?" he asked, reaching his arm over you and taking your book in his hand "History of magic." he read, a look of disgust on his face when he returned it to you. "Well, I can't help with that one."

You took the book back, putting it inside your bag as you stuck your tongue in his direction "I don't need help." you told him "Just doing some reading to make sure I have all the correct facts."

He hummed, grabbing your hand and lifting it in the air. He took it closer to his face, playing with your fingers as you watched him, the ideas running across his eyes. "It's almost time for dinner." he said, his eyes finding yours. He suddenly got up to his feet, never letting go of your hand as he held it in his stance "And unless you want a late shower I'll advise we get going." he tugged your hand, helping you up as you both looked at the sky. It was getting windier, the feeling of a breeze hitting your face.

He guided you out of your hideout, throwing your bag over his shoulder as his other hand held onto yours.

Your eyes wandered over the familiar grey sky, looking for the sun you had been able to see when you got outside. "How long was I outside?" you asked him, turning slowly to him.

He glanced at you, eyes drifting to the front as he shrugged his shoulders "A couple of hours." he said, voice carefree.

With a nod, you lowered your head. It felt like an eternity.

"Hey," he called with a squeeze on your hand "You need help with herbology, right? Maybe we can ask Mary for help, she's good." he said, his eyes widening as he turned his face to you "Better yet, let's ask Alice. She could give the class if they'd let her."

Winter In The Shade | Sirius Black x Female Ravenclaw ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now