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Rahul was driving the car in full speed. Tears were constantly falling down from his eyes. The flashes of all the moment which he had spent with him coming in front of his eyes. The biggest fear of his life was coming true. Aly’s life was in danger. He didn’t want to lose him at any cost. He was not only his best friend. He was his life. He wanted to reach hospital as soon as possible and wanted to see him fine in front of his eyes.

Jasmin was sitting beside him. She was looking out of the window blankly. After listening about Aly’s accident , Jasmin’s mind became completely blank. His smiling face was not leaving her mind for even a single second. She didn’t want to lose him. She had never felt so scared in her life before. She was just praying to god to keep him fine. Her heart was beating fast because of the fear of losing him because she loved him.

They reached hospital with in an hour. That one hour was not less than one year for them. They immediately rushed inside the hospital. Jasmin bumped with someone. That person said sorry to her but she without even looking at that person , she ran toward reception.

“Al.. Al..lyy Goni.” Rahul stammered in taking the name of Aly at reception because of the fear of losing him. Jasmin was standing beside him having fear in her eyes. She was also not in condition to speak a single. She just wanted to see him fine.

“He is in ICU , 5th floor sir.” Receptionist checked the list on her computer and told him. As she said , they ran toward the elevator. There were two elevator. He hurriedly pressed the button of both. With in few second, the door of elevator opened and both walked inside. Jasmin immediately pressed the button of fifth floor. They both were becoming restless. Tears were constantly falling down from his eyes and he was wiping them off with his palms.

Jasmin wasn’t crying. She was completely blank at that moment. She wasn’t understanding that why this was happening with her. The complications of her life were increasing. She had accepted her feeling and was living with it. But then why this happened?

As soon as the door opened , they ran toward the ICU which was on the right side. A nurse walked out and Rahul ran toward her.

“How.. how is he ?”Rahul asked worriedly. Jasmin was also looking at the nurse worriedly and her heart was racing.

“His condition is critical. We can’t say anything right now.” Nurse left from there after saying this. Rahul slumped on the floor in agony and started crying , palming his face. Tears started to run down from Jasmin’s eyes too. Her heart was crying inside. She didn’t want to lose him. His presence used to give him peace. His one smile was enough to make her day happy. He was the missing peace of her life. She didn’t want to lose that missing piece again.

Jasmin cried looking at Rahul who was crying sitting on floor and his face was covered with his hands. She knelt down beside him. As she put her hand on his shoulder , he turned toward her and hugged her tightly. He started crying more badly and she too cried, rubbing his back.

“I don’t want to lose him Jasmin. I don’t..” he said in between his cries. Jasmin shut her eyes tightly and cried with him. She also didn’t want to lose him.

“He will be fine.” She started to say these words constantly like a prayer.

“Yes , you are right. He will be fine. He can’t go living me alone like.. like this. I won’t let him go.” Rahul uttered after breaking the hug. Jasmin slightly nodded her head having tears in her eyes. Then they both stood up wiping their tears.


After sometime Jasmin was sitting outside of the ICU , looking straight blankly. Rahul had gone downstairs to fill some forms. She was feeling like everything was getting end. All the moment which she had spent with him were revolving in her mind. Their first hug , his smile , their conversations , all the moments were coming in front of her like a movie was playing in front of her eyes. There were very less memories of Aly with Jasmin but all of them were very precious , special and best for her which she could never forget.

JASLY - STRUGGLE FOR LOVEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz