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Next moment she immediately broke the hug as soon as she realised what she had done. She couldn’t meet her eyes with them. She was trying to find the reason playing with her fingers nervously and Aly was also looking down.

“I hugged him to distract his mind. Look he stopped coughing. My plan worked.” She answered their unasked question and everybody were convinced with her answer. Aly was now looking at her. He could see that she was scared from inside.

“I must say, Rahul, your wife is more intelligent than you. Jasmin you should teach something to Rahul also.” Arjit spoke in fun tone. Jasmin plastered a smile but inside her heart cried.

“She is smartest and I love her,” Rahul confessed cheerfully, taking Jasmin in a side hug. His words broke JasLy’s heart and they difficultly controlled their tears from falling down.

“I just come.” Jasmin exited the room before anybody could even stop her because she couldn’t control her emotions. She wanted to cry and take out her all pain. Aly was so helpless because he couldn’t even do this.

“Rahul, I want to take Aly to my home. I don’t have any work this month. I will take care of him.” Disha spoke catching everybody’s attention.

“Disha, if you are free then this is a good idea. We will take Aly in our home.” Arjit agreed, looking at Aly who was silently looking at Rahul waiting to hear what he wanted.

“No need of it, Disha. I am taking off from my office for a month. I want to take care of my friend.” As Rahul spoke, Aly gave him angry glare.

“Rahul, you don’t have to take off from your office for me. I will be fine soon. Disha you are taking me to your home tomorrow and that’s final.” Aly said in a strict tone making Rahul quiet. Rahul didn’t force Aly to stay with him. He respected his decision.

Aly wanted to stay away from Jasmin and it was the best opportunity for him which he didn’t want to lose at any cost. His heart wanted to be with her but for Rahul he could do anything. He wanted to give space to Jasmin and Rahul so that Jasmin start loving Rahul again forgetting him.


Jasmin was crying, sitting on the bed, hugging her knees near to her heart. She loved Aly so much but couldn’t show her love. She wanted to tell the truth to Rahul but she didn’t want to hurt him. Sometimes she hated herself for being so good. She couldn’t hurt anybody. She couldn’t see anybody in pain. She could bear his hatred but didn’t want to become the reason of his pain.

She immediately wiped her all the tears as she heard the sound of the opening of the door. Rahul walked inside and his eyes fell over Jasmin. He immediately came to know by looking at her wet eyes which became red that she was crying. He reached to her, taking slow steps. She gave him faint smile. He sat in front of her on the bed. She was still sitting hugging her knees.

“Jasmin, I know you were crying.” As Rahul uttered in serious tone after taking a deep breath, Jasmin widened her eyes in shock.

“I am your husband, Jasmin. You can share anything with me. I am seeing that you are sad from few weeks. You don’t say anything to me that doesn’t mean I will not come to know anything. I can read your eyes because I love you. I am waiting for the day when you will love me back the way I love you. Am I expecting something big from you ?” She felt more guilty after listening to Rahul’s words. She didn’t want to hurt the person who cared for her a lot. She couldn’t even hurt him for her happiness.

She crossed her legs and spoke, “Rahul, I just need more time. I am sorry.” Her voice was filled with guilt. Rahul nodded his head sadly and went to the washroom without saying anything to her.

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