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“Disha , I came here for our friendship. I don’t want to lose you guys. You all are best gift from god to me. I want to make you understand my situation and the rest will be your decision. Just listen to me and then take the decision.” Aly tried for the last time to explain Disha. He paused before continuing further and waited for Disha’s response.

She nodded her head. He sighed and continued.

“From the day one, I have felt a strong connection with Jasmin. This was wrong for me too because she is Rahul’s wife. I tried hard to keep myself away from her. But the more I ran away from her , the more I came close to her. You must have seen my condition. I was going crazy. Every day , something was dying in me when I was keeping myself away from Jasmin. I blamed myself, I called myself wrong, I ran , I pushed her away and forced her to hate me but at the end , I realised that nobody is living happily. Disha , you know , I can still leave Jasmin for Rahul. He is still most important for me. Nobody can take his place. But , Jasmin will not able to keep him happy because she loves me , not him. I can’t force her to love Rahul. I want both Rahul’s and Jasmin’s happiness. I can’t see them in pain. From outside our love will be wrong for everybody but for me , it is not because we love each other truly. This love has only given us pain and sufferings but still we are not ready to forget our love. We are ready to go through more pain for our love. Disha , I don’t care what others think about me. I just only want my friends to understand me.” Aly was trying to explain Disha in best way. He really wanted them to understand him because he didn’t want to lose them.

Disha was standing silent and Aly was waiting for her reply.

“Please , say something.” Aly asked her to say something after few minutes of silence.

“I am understanding you , Aly but I still doubt that Jasmin .” Disha took a deep breath and spoke breaking the silence. Aly closed his eyes dejectedly. It was hurting him because his friend was still doubting his Jasmin.

“But for you , I will talk to her and try to clear the things. I want some answers from her.” Aly sighed with relief after knowing that at least she was ready to clear her doubt.

“Disha , I want to tell you something about Jasmin. I didn’t want to take that thing in between all this but I think You should know before talking to Jasmin.” Aly spoke making her confused.

“What ?” She asked instantly.

“Disha, Jasmin's mind is little disturbed.” He paused for few seconds to gather courage to tell Disha about the worst incident of his life.

“Somebody sent goons to rape her.” Aly told Disha and he felt a sharp pain in his heart remembering about her condition. Disha was shocked to know this.

“But why ? Is she fine ?” Disha freaked out and then Aly told her everything. He even told her that because of this incident only , he accepted his love in front of Jasmin and Before that he was pushing her away.

Disha was shocked and this changed her POV Before she was thinking that Jasmin has tried to trap Aly in her love. But after listening all this , her POV got changed. She was feeling bad for Jasmin and feeling guilty for blaming her.

“Jasmin has gone through a lot pain in these few days. She was completely broken. I have handled her very difficultly. She is not in a condition to take more pain now. Somewhere I am also the reason of her pain. It’s really hurt to see tears in her eyes.” Aly was crying now in front of Disha. He was trying to be strong till now but couldn’t able to control himself more in front of Disha thinking about the pain which Jasmin had gone through.

“Aly , stop blaming yourself. It was god’s wish. You know, whatever god does, he does for something good only. I think , this all was necessary to make you realise that how much you love Jasmin.” Disha said putting hand on Aly’s shoulder while he was just crying in pain.

“If I had realised earlier that how much I love her then She wouldn’t have to gone through this pain. I want to see her completely fine. She is still in pain and scared. Disha, I want my old Jasmin back.” Aly cried hugging Disha like a small baby. She was constantly rubbing his back. She let him cry and take his pain out.

“Aly , relax. Jasmin will be fine. This type of incidents have profound effect on girls. With time she will be fine. You will make her fine , I’m sure.” Disha broke the hug and explained her putting hand on his shoulders. Like always, Disha was consoling Aly and supporting him like a true friend.

“Come..” she took her to bed holding his hand and made him sit down. She went to bring the water from the table while Aly wiped his tears with his palms and composed himself. She gave him the water. He thanked her for supporting him through his eyes while taking the water. He was feeling much better.

He gave her the glass and she went to keep it on the table.

“Thanks Disha for understanding me.” She came to her and he thanked her verbally while standing up from bed.

“Are you crazy , Aly ? Now you will say thank you to me. If in future if you will say thank you to me , I will give you a tight slap.” Disha warned him showing her hand to him.

“Oh , I got scared.” Aly acted to get scared moving away from her. Both chuckled together.

“But seriously Disha , I didn’t think that you would understand me so soon.“ he hugged her again happily.

“In fact , I am guilty that I misunderstood you and Jasmin earlier. I will apologise from her and talk to her. She is really a sweetest girl I ever met but still I doubted her.” Disha said getting disappointed from herself.

“No need to feel guilty , Disha. Your reaction was not wrong. In fact, I am so happy to see that in all this, you trusted me and gave me a chance to explain myself. I am glad to have a friend like you.” Aly said holding her hands. Both passed a small smile to each other.

“And don’t worry , I will talk to Arjit. You just take care of Jasmin. She needs you.” She said squeezing his hand slightly. Aly nodded his head in response having small smile on his face. He was so relieved to get a support from his one friend. Her support made him more strong and hopeful that Rahul would also understand him.

“But what about Rahul ? Have you thought something ? I mean , how you will tell him ?” Disha asked coming to the point.

“Tomorrow, he is coming back. I will tell him everything. I know, he will be hurt. But I can’t hide this truth from him anymore. The rest will be his decision and I will accept it wholeheartedly. I only want his happiness and I just hope , in future, he will get a girl who will love him. The love , which he deserves.“ Aly said turning toward another side.

“Everything will be fine , Aly. Rahul will understand you.” Disha said putting her hand on his shoulder from behind. Aly turned around and passed a small smile.

“I shall leave now. Jasmin is alone at home.” Aly said and Disha nodded his head.

“I will come at night.” She said and Aly walked out from the room giving her a small smile.

Arjit was standing outside of the room only and he was glaring Aly. Aly looked at him pleadingly. He wanted him to listen to him for once.

“Arjit..” Aly tried to talk to him but Arjit stopped him by showing his hand to him.

“Arjit , I will make you understand everything.” Disha said coming outside.

“I have already heard everything.” He said and punched Aly making them shocked. Disha palmed her mouth and widened her eyes in shock.



Peace! ☮️

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