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What is LOVE for you?

Rahul woke up and sat on the floor holding his head. His head was throbbing with pain. There was emptiness in his heart. He didn’t remember exactly what had happened last night except some few flashes. He was in same clothes and he thought it was a dream because this type of dream he had seen before too.

He gathered himself and got up. He went to get fresh. All the time one thing which was revolving in his mind was Jasmin. He was completely broken. He dreamed a future with Jasmin which was shattered now. The worst thing was that he couldn’t blame anybody else for his pain. It wasn’t anybody mistake , it was written in their destiny.

He stood under the shower , putting his hands on the walls. The water falling down from his muscular body to floor. He was thinking about the time when Jasmin was his. He was realising that he was living in a illusion that she loves him and she is happy with him and he had never tried to look at the reality. Reality was that she was never his. And the reality was breaking him from inside.

He was doing everything to make her fall in love with him, thinking that one day she would love him but he was not realising that in this he was losing himself. Forgetting about his real happiness. Now, he has to realise this and has to find his real happiness which was in......


Disha was lying on bed. In the dark room thinking about the last night. Last night was like a dream for her where Rahul was with her. She didn’t wanted that Rahul should come to know the truth , that’s why , she dressed him up and left the place at the mid night when he was in deep sleep.

She didn’t wanted that Rahul should come to know that she had feeling for him because she knew, this would create more problems. She just wanted to see him happy and she could do anything for his happiness.

“I will take you out from this pain Rahul and that’s my promise.” She promised to herself and wiped her tears , having determination in her eyes.


Jasmin woke up and found Aly looking at her sitting beside her. Her hand was entwined with him. She found only and only love in his eyes. She got lost in him.

“Good morning My Jas.” He whispered and kissed her forehead after leaning down. She closed her eyes and felt so good to feel the touch of his lips.

She sat up rested her head on his shoulder and held his arms tightly.

“How are you feeling ?” He asked concernedly stroking her hair.

“With you I feel always good.” He smiled and kissed her head. They kept sitting there silently in their own thoughts.

“Now.. you get fresh. I am bringing the breakfast.”He got up from the bed after sometime and said before leaving the room. Jasmin lazily climbed down from bed and went to washroom.


Aly was sitting in front of her on the bed. He was making her eat with his hand and eating himself too. Jasmin could clearly see that he was so relaxed and fine. She was happy seeing him like this.

“Jas , when are you thinking to start going to NGO ? “ He asked while cleaning her face with tissue paper.

“I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“Jasmin , you should right a book on your life. Don’t you think ?” He was trying to communicate with her , trying to distract her mind from the things which were hurting her.

“I don’t know what is right what is wrong. I’m not fine Aly . I’m guilty.”She bursted into tears in front of Aly.

He felt hurt seeing her but he composed himself. “Jas...please not again..don’t cry baby and stop blaming yourself.” He cupped her face and begged her to stop blaming herself.

“Aly , how are you so relaxed? I want to be relaxed like you but again and again I’m thinking that I have done wrong with Rahul.” She cried in guilt.

“It’s hurting Aly. He loves me and I hurted him. He is in so much pain because of me. It’s killing me Aly. I’m not understanding, what should I do ?” Aly took her in his arms and let her cry. He was caressing her back and head.

She stopped crying after few minutes.

“Feeling better ?” He asked after breaking the hug. She was just looking at him silently.

“Jas, do you want to know , How I’m so relaxed?” He asked raising his eyebrows. She just nodded her head positively.

“Because I’m thinking positive. I’m seeing the positive side. Rahul didn’t took us wrong. He is hurt and he will be fine with time. I’m with him , we are with him. I know him Jas. He will be fine. You don’t love him it’s not your mistake try to understand this. Why are you saying to yourself that you have done something wrong when you haven’t done anything. Try to relax your mind and think positive then you will start looking at the things the way I’m looking at them.” He tried to make her understand , holding her face with his hands. He breathed near to her lips.

“Aly , Rahul will be fine , right?” She asked after few minutes of silence.

“Yes , he will get fine. I’m with him. I will not let him fall down, leave this on me. And first you get fine. You want to see him fine , right ?” He asked and she nodded her head positively.

“Then first you have to clear your mind. And for that you have to think positive. Now if you will cry and blame yourself I will also start crying with you. Do you want me to cry ?” He asked and she instantly nodded her head negatively.

“I want to see My Happy Jasmin. Rahul also wants to see you happy. You know the person who loves you he wants to see you happy , no matter what. If I was at Rahul place I would have also let you go happily with the person with whom you are happy. I love you , I also love Rahul and I want both of your happiness. I could have sacrificed you for him but will anybody get happiness from this ? No , nobody. You can’t keep the person happy when you don’t love him. Leaving is the better option. You haven’t done anything wrong. You want to see me happy , right ?” She instantly nodded her head.

“You were ready to leave me yesterday because you were thinking about my happiness. That’s what love is Jasmin , no matter what , whom you love you want to see that person happy , whether it is with you or without you. Rahul loves you Jas, if you want to see him fine, for that you have to be happy first.”

She was staring him silently. She was now looking at the things in different way after listening to Aly. She wasn’t feeling guilty anymore. Rather she was feeling lucky to have the person like Aly with her , who loved her unconditionally. She instantly started thinking positive and this was the magic of love.

“I love you.” She whispered and cupped his face. She slowly came closer to his lips and captured his lips. Aly’s hands went in her hair and he kissed her back , pulling her toward himself. They were kissing each other softly first but they didn’t come to know when the kiss turned passionate. Their tongues were exploring every inch of their mouth. They were kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. Their whole body was burning with the desire.



Peace! ☮️

JASLY - STRUGGLE FOR LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now