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Disha came to meet Rahul at his house. A maid informed her that he was in his room. She strolled toward his room. She composed herself before knocking the door of his room.

She knocked the door and after a few minutes Rahul opened the door. He stared at her for few seconds and then threw his arms around her. He hugged her so tightly. She was shocked with his sudden hug. He was so happy to see her fine in front of his eyes and that’s why he couldn’t able to stop himself from hugging her. He was hugging her tighter and tighter while Disha was fighting back with her tears. She wanted to hug him even more tighter but she was controlling herself by clenching her fist.

“Thank god you’re fine.” He said after breaking the hug.

“Where were you ? Why were you not answering my calls ? Is everything fine?” Rahul asked concernedly holding her shoulders.

Disha sighed. “Nothing to be worried about. I was busy in the work. I didn’t get time to use my phone.”

Rahul chuckled. “You’re a very bad liar Disha.” He said in serious tone and she instantly looked down.

“It is clearly written on your face that you’re not fine. But don’t worry I won’t force you to share with me. Come inside..” He stood on side and gave her way to walk inside the room.

She stepped inside and he closed the door. They went toward the sofa and settled down there.

“I’m really sorry Rahul that I ignored like this. I was seriously busy in..”

He shushed her, putting his forefinger over her lips. “Shut up and stop lying.”

He removed his finger. “If you don’t have courage to say the truth it’s fine but at least don’t lie.”

She looked down and composed herself. “I just came here to tell you that I’m moving to Delhi. I have flight in few hours.”

Rahul felt a sharp pain in his heart after knowing that she was going away from him. He didn’t understand at that time about that pain.

“I have started a new business there and that’s..” Disha started telling him that why she was going there while Rahul became blank at that time because of the unknown pain. He was just staring at her without having any emotion in his eyes.

“Don’t go..” He whispered suddenly and Disha’s eyes widened in shock.

“Is it so important to go ? Can’t you stay here? What happened to you suddenly? I really wanna know.”

Disha started looking around to avoid his questions. She was getting weak in front of him.”Why are you making this more difficult for me Rahul ?Let me go..” She thought looking down.

“Believe me, I’m fine Rahul. Don’t worry.” She reassured him and he just nodded her head.

“I should leave now.” She stood up. “Bye Rahul and take care.”

Rahul was just staring at her silently. His heart was paining a lot and the thing which was disturbing him more that he was unknown to this pain.

She walked toward the door and looked behind turning her face. “You can call me anytime if you need me.”

“Good bye Rahul I just hope you get all the happiness of life and I’ll always love you.” She murmured to herself after walking out of the room.

A lone tear trickled down both of their cheek.


Arjit walked into Disha’s room and found her packing her bags. “Where are you going ?” He asked bemusedly walking toward her.

“I’m going to delhi forever.” She said without looking at him and kept putting the things into his bag.

“Disha are you crazy? You’re not going anywhere.” Arjit glowered at her snatching the clothes from her hand.

“Arjit I can’t stay here. I can’t lie more to Rahul . I have to go. Please understand.” She implored.

“Okay fine. Do whatever you want to do.” Arjit threw the clothes on the bed and walked out of the room in anger.

“I have to tell Rahul about the baby. I won’t let my sister suffer more. She also deserves happiness. Rahul should know that how much she loves him.” Arjit mumbled to himself while walking out of the house.


Arjit walked into hall to meet Rahul. He was waiting for Rahul sitting on the sofa. Seeing him he stood up.

“Arjit you’re looking stressed. Is everything alright ? Is Disha..” Rahul paused. “Is she alright?” He asked concernedly.

“I want to tell you something. I can’t hide it from you anymore.” He sighed.

“What ?” He asked bemusedly.

“Disha loves you a lot.”

“Even I love her too.” He said instantly.

“Not in that way.”

Rahul was bewildered and he asked.” What do you mean ?”

“She was going to confess her love to you two years ago but before she could confess you told us about Jasmin. And for your happiness, she never confessed.” Rahul was beyond shocked after knowing this. He never knew that Disha was in love with him.

“Yes I am in love with somebody but he doesn’t love me. I’m fine because he is happy. His happiness is more important to me than getting him. I love him and my love for him will never die.” Her words echoed in his ear.

“And now she is leaving Mumbai forever because she is pregnant with your baby.” He staggered backward and stared at him shockingly. He felt like the floor slipped beneath his feet listening the truth.

“How can this be possible? I never..” He was utterly perplexed. Words weren’t coming out of his mouth.

Then Arjit told him the complete truth and Rahul slummed down on sofa utterly shocked.

“She loves you a lot…” Arjit uttered and Rahul said cutting his words. “And I love her too..

Next chapter will be the last one with loads of JasLy and DisHul!♥️



Peace! ☮️

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