Chapter 25: Absolutely Ridiculous

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Louis Tomlinson

"I told her to meet us here," I pouted in disappointment as I searched the crowd for Eleanor. We had hardly exited our flight and were already swarmed by numerous paparazzi and girls. Really, no matter how many times a dashing Harry announces that we are in a hurry, the paparazzi continue photographing and the girls continuing touching. Pulling, more like it!

"I'm sorry, Lou, but there is no way we're standing here another minute!" Liam shouted into my ear, grabbing my arm in the process. "Somebody could get hurt."

I reached behind me to grab Harry's arm and we let Liam pull us through the crowd. "But when Ellie gets angry," I mumbled to Liam even though there was no possibility of him hearing me in the commotion, "I'm pointing my finger at you."

"Let's go!" Liam persisted even though we were already moving forward as fast as we could.

"We are!" I screamed.

He still didn't hear me.

"I told you people we needed disguises!" Harry said irritably at us, his brows furrowed. "We could have—Ah!" He ducked away when someone's Sharpie came flying at his head.

"I don't think knocking him out will get you an autograph!" I shouted toward the crowd, laughing at the fan who had thrown it.

"Be nice," Liam said to me bitterly.

Oh, so now he heard me.

"I'm the nicest," I said sarcastically, laughing a bit. My laughter was cut short when he smacked the back of my neck seriously and tugged at my arm. We continued stumbling through people, and since Liam was leading us out, I ducked my head and watched my feet instead. I noticed Harry did the same beside me.

"'Hardly anyone will know it's us,'" Harry suddenly mimicked my words in a high-pitch voice. "Hardly anyone, eh?!"

"Well, I wanted Eleanor to know it was us," I said to Harry, grinning because his impression had been rather funny. I turned my head to look at him and found him glaring at me.

"She didn't even show up," he grumbled, still managing to shake his hair around into its usual formation during the chaos.

"The only solution would have been Paul," Liam snapped triumphantly, somehow having heard again. I was beginning to think that he had most likely heard me before too, but had decided to ignore me. "I was the one who suggested calling him to come with us, at least a million times!"

"Oh, for God's sake, Liam," Harry and I said at once, lifting our heads up coherently. "Let it go, would you?"

"Then shut it, both of you," Liam pleaded, glancing at us over his shoulder. Once he turned back around, Harry smiled cheekily and winked at me. We chuckled at Liam for a second before ducking our heads down again and staring at our feet. A picture of Harry hit me on the shoulder and fell to the floor beneath our feet, causing me to accidentally step over it through the hassle.

"That was not nice of them," Harry gasped, his features taking on quite an offended expression.

"Disgraceful!" I screamed at the crowd, raising my face to yell at them directly. "Really, that was dis—!"

Liam covered my mouth with his hand and sighed aggressively. "Just push through, we're almost out."

"Almost out" was the understatement of all understatements. It took us nearly fifteen minutes to reach the front entrance of the airport, and even then we had to pause briefly to sign a few autographs. It took yet another ten minutes to find the cab we had called for an hour ago, with most of the crowd still following at our heels. "Almost out" took nearly half-an-hour.

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