Chapter 5: Hearts on Fire

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Zayn Malik

"Hi," she said, walking up to me.

"Hey," I grinned at her. 

She looked so beautiful. Her hair was in a perfect braid down her shoulder and she was wearing a summery dress. And her eyes... her eyes were gleaming.

"Wow.” I said, much to my amazement and to hers. “You look... incredible."

She looked at her shoes shyly. 

"You do too." She said in that quiet voice of hers.

I smiled at her. How had I ever looked at another girl and thought that they were pretty. Nothing seemed to compare to her. I couldn’t believe I was feeling this way.

I was falling for her.

"It feels so weird to actually meet you." I said, not knowing how else to continue the conversation.

Shouldn't she be the one saying that? After all, I was the famous one and she was the unnoticed girl who sang on Youtube.

But here I was, switching our roles in life.

"You are a really amazing singer," I said honestly.

"Zayn," she laughed a little. "Shouldn't I be the one saying that to you?"

Even her laugh was incredible.

"I guess?” I said. “But I mean, I've been watching your videos and, really, you're very good."

She smiled. "It means a lot to me. Thank you."

I smiled back and we just stared at each other for a while. Maybe I could invite her to have dinner with me and boys since Perrie wasn’t coming. Besides, I’d do anything to be able to spend more time with her. 

I wondered what she was thinking.

"Well, look," I said, suddenly remembering that the concert was going to continue any minute now. I glanced quickly over my shoulder at the concert hall. "I didn't get you a backstage pass because Paul said that I could just bring you in with me. So let's go."

"Wait, is that okay?" she asked nervously. "Because that lady said—"

"Yeah, because she didn't think you'd be telling the truth." I said smiling. "I mean, we've never done this before."

"You mean brought a fan backstage during the concert?"

"No," I chuckled nervously before I spilled it out. "I mean, we've never brought the same fan back to sing with us.”

I could tell that I caught her off track for a second before she comprehended what I was saying.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, grinning again. "You're going to sing with us."

"Wh—?" she had trouble speaking. "Zayn, I—I can't sing with you guys!"

"Well, why not?" I asked sadly.

"Because... that doesn't work. I cannot perform with you guys. Not here. Not now.”

I frowned and looked into her eyes. I didn’t understand her.

"But..." I said. "But I told all the boys and we planned it and everything...."

She shook her head. "I can't. Sorry."

"Is it because you're scared?" I asked, my frown slowly transforming into a smile. "Just pretend your singing on Youtube. Just you and your camera."

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