Chapter 11: Miscommunication

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PLEASE NOTE: Some things about the boys are not technically true. I made them up. So don't complain.  :P

Niall Horan

“See that, ladies?” Zayn teased us, holding the first slice of pizza up to his lips. “That’s how you play a great game of soccer.”

We had just gotten back into our campervan, soaking wet and freezing. Liam had turned up the heater in the car and we’d managed to find a few beach towels that we’d draped over our shoulders. But I was still shivering slightly. Not to mention, I was starving.

It was tradition to wait until the winner of the first slice had taken a bite before the rest of the lads could dig in. But Zayn was purposely taking his time.

Harry smirked. “Let’s not think about all the times I’ve won at soccer, Zayn.”

It was nice to hear them speaking to each other so friendlily again. I smiled at them both and opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by Liam.

“Hurry up and eat it,” he said to Zayn peevishly.

Zayn smiled and finally took a large bite of his slice of pizza. He moaned and mentioned how absolutely delicious it was.

We laughed and finally grabbed slices of our own. We each ate about three slices and ended up sitting in silence when we were finished. Louis decided it was time for some music, so Liam started beat boxing and Zayn was rapping some song I’d never heard before.

It was nice, being with the lads at moments like this. Relaxing and singing our favorite songs. The only thing that interrupted us was the fact that the parking lot was beginning to get a little crowded. And some girls were getting curious about our campervan. Which was why Zayn and Liam ended their song half way through.

Louis hopped into the driver’s seat and Liam sat shotgun. Zayn and I jogged back out to throw the now-empty pizza boxes in a dumpster by the back door. We were spotted by only a few girls who didn’t quite get to chase us into the van, so it went pretty well.

On the drive back to the hotel, we began planning out the rest of the events for that day. We argued between watching films and swimming, and eventually agreed on going hot-tubing.

So as soon as we got back to the hotel, we quickly rushed up the elevator and to our suite. We went our separate ways, changing into our swimming shorts, and met by the front door of our suite.

“Where’s Zayn?” I asked, looking around at the rest of the mates in confusion.

Zayn came out of his room, phone in his hands, and said distractedly, “I’m just letting her know that I can’t reply for a while…”

Louis and I laughed.

“You’re acting like those overly attached girlfriends,” Liam said to Zayn, starting to laugh for himself.

Harry chuckled. “Yeah, he’s right!”

Zayn placed his phone on the coffee table and rolled his eyes at them.

“Let’s go,” he said, pushing us out the door.

We rode the elevator up to the top floor, where there was an in-room pool and two hot tubs. There weren’t many people up there, but either way, most were just lounging on chairs or swimming in the pool. One of the hot tubs was filled with three girls while the other was empty.

We chose the empty one.

The reason? Girls here were usually from rich families, if not from famous ones. They were preppy and weird, so we decided not to try anything with them. Though their eyes were on all five of us.

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