Chapter 9: Conversations

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Dedicated to KaytlynMarcotte for being a committed reader and for voting!  :D

Zayn Malik

I looked into her beautiful eyes and grinned. I was so pleased. It was like I’d been enduring an entire hour’s worth of pain, and she’d managed to relieve me of it instantly.

She smiled back. “Goodnight, Zayn.”

“You have to say yes to the tour.” I said, urgently. “You have to come with us.”

She searched my eyes sadly and nodded. “Yeah… I’ll try.”

I frowned. “C’mon. Do more than that.”

She nodded again, but I knew she was just doing that to get me to change the subject. Why was she acting like that about it? Would her parents really object to a career like that?

“You want me to talk to them?” I asked quietly. “I could, if you want.”

During our entire six month session of messaging each other back and forth through Youtube, I’d learned a thing or two about her parents. I knew her father was strict. And I remembered her telling me something once about how she was all her mother had left. How she could never leave her….

“No,” she shook her head. “Good night, Zayn. Harry’s waiting.”

“Don’t do that,” I said, irritated.

“Don’t do what?”

“Change the subject like that,” I said. “I was just trying to help.”

She nodded. “I appreciate it. I just don’t know yet. I’ll figure something out. I’ll let you know.”

I decided to lighten things up before I left. After all, it was the night of our first kiss. I couldn’t possibly argue with her now.

“Text me tonight?” I said in a flirty voice.

She grinned brightly. “Of course.”

I smiled. “All right. Goodnight.”

I leaned in and softly pecked her on the lips, aching for more. But I knew I had to leave. Harry had probably seen everything. I’d have to talk with him or else we were going to end up fighting again.

We released our hold on each other, and unwillingly, I walked away toward the van. I glanced back once and waved before entering the vehicle.

She waved back and smiled, gleaming under the porch lamp.

I sat in my usual seat, in the back by the windows. I acted unmoved, ignoring Harry’s guilty stare. And the van started moving numbly down the deserted streets. It was nearly one in the morning.

I pulled out my phone and sent Lola a text:

I texted you first. :P

After putting my phone back into my pocket, I pulled out a cigarette and my lighter. And I turned to face Harry.

He looked away quickly, pretending to be doing something on his phone. I called his name once, twice, before he looked up reluctantly.

“What is it?” he asked. I could tell he was trying really hard to keep his tone light. I could tell he was crushed inside. It could be that he liked her almost as much as I did. Perhaps it hurt him exactly how it had for me when I’d thought Lola didn’t fancy me back.

I lit the lighter and raised it to my cigarette. But before I’d lit it, my hand froze midair. I realized something strange.

I always seemed to smoke when Harry and I were having serious conversations. A lot of people had asked me if I was a stressful smoker, but I’d always replied with a vague “no.” Now I was questioning that.

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