Chapter 4: Strange Occurrences

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Lola Solemen

After a quick shower, which I spent daydreaming about the night to come, I stared at myself in the mirror for a long time.

It was strange, knowing that I had always sat in front of a camera, unaware of whether or not I looked good enough for someone like Zayn Malik to look at, to watch on Youtube.

Strange. No other word could describe it.

I blow-dried my dark brown hair and pulled my bathrobe on before I left the bathroom.

"She's out!" Kris screamed as soon as I walked into my room.

"What are you--?" I started to ask.

My mom burst into the room.

"You're going on a date with Zayn Malik?" She asked, looking far more excited than I did.

"Um..." I glared at Kris who shied away guiltily. "It's not a date."

I explained everything to my mother and found her watching my face in disbelief.

“You mean to say,” she said, "that you met Zayn Malik online, but you didn't know it was him."

Kris coughed back a laugh.

I sighed. "Why do I have to explain this?"

"Because you're my daughter." My mother said. "And he's a pop star."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay. Can I just dress please?"

"No, honey, listen," she said, grabbing my arm gently. "I don't want him to hurt you."

"He won't, mom," I assured her. "It's not like that. We're friends."

She nodded and smiled sadly. "To think that your first date ever would be with Zayn Malik!" She exclaimed, earning a loud laugh from Kris.

"Okay, seriously?" I grabbed Kris' hand and pulled her out of my room. Then I went back and grabbed my mother as well.

Once in the hallway, I faced them both.

"You guys cannot make this a big deal," I said to them. "Understand?"

Kris smirked but my mother nodded.

"I don't want anyone to know about this." I looked at my mother specifically now. "Especially not dad."

She frowned. "But he—"

"Mom!" I protested. "Please! Just don't."

My mom and dad had split for about five years now. It didn't bother me, really, because I loved them both the same, and I understood that maybe they just didn't love each other anymore. People fell in and out of love all the time. It was normal.

But my dad was somewhat strict. When he was around, I had a curfew. I couldn't use the telephone after eight at night. I didn't have texting because "talking helps you improve social skills far better than typed-up messages." And I had to read at least five books a month.

The book thing wasn't a problem since I loved reading, but parenting shouldn't make you feel trapped or imprisoned.

My point being, if he found out I even made Youtube videos-- not to mention that I met Zayn through Youtube as well-- he would most likely find a way to convince my mom into canceling our Internet services.

Yes, I'm serious.

Knowing all of this, my mother nodded silently.

"Thank you." I said turning to enter my room. "Now, please, let me be. I deserve to dwell over this."

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