Chapter 10: Rain

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Harry Styles

It was a Sunday. For the mates and me, those were our laziest days of the week. This Sunday was a bit lazier than others due to the fact that we had absolutely nothing to do.

No photo-shoots. No performances. No signings.

Just us and a hotel room. You can imagine the crazy ideas we had, even when it was only ten in the morning. I, myself, actually wanted to sleep in like Zayn usually does. But Louis and Niall were in my room, singing me awake.

I threw a pillow at them. It missed Louis, but it ended up hitting Niall directly in the face. I couldn’t help but hoot at Niall’s pouting face.

“Go away!” I shouted while laughing. “I want to sleep.”

Niall finally joined in with my laughter, but Lou looked rather serious.

“Get up, Harry,” he said. “There are lots to do.”

I cocked an eyebrow.

“Like what, exactly?” I asked.

Niall shrugged casually and left the room. Through the opened door, I could see Liam on the couch, eyes on the television as always. Niall joined him.

“Look, today’s the day that we find out whether or not Lola is touring with us,” Louis said seriously, keeping his voice a bit low.

“Oh,” I said. “Yeah, but…” I frowned. “I don’t really care. And she could call tomorrow too.”

Now he cocked an eyebrow. 

“Of course you care,” he said.

I sort of smiled and shook my head, pulling the covers off of me and standing. I waved him off without another word, and he sighed before exiting my room. I shut my door and stood there for a minute, thinking.

I couldn’t care. I shouldn’t care. Lola was Zayn’s….

But Zayn was still with Perrie. He had to fix that. I had to make sure of that, because I didn’t want him to hurt Lola. No one gave a shit about Perrie. But Lola… I cared about Lola. And I had a feeling that the rest of the boys did as well. Because that girl… that girl was just so amazing, that it was hard to dislike her.

I pulled on some pants and grabbed a shirt before leaving my room. I wore it as I walked to the kitchen.

“Shall I cook?” I asked the boys. “Or are we ordering?”

“Actually,” Louis said smiling. “I was thinking perhaps we could go to Pizza Hut today.”

Niall squealed with joy.

“Pizza Hut? For breakfast?” I asked disapprovingly.

“Is there a Pizza Hut around here?” Niall asked, pulling out his phone and most likely Google-ing it.

Louis shrugged. “We’ll find one.”

Just then, Zayn walked into the room and everyone stared at him in surprise. You see, Zayn never really woke before noon. Particularly if it was a Sunday.

“Woah.” Liam said, stating all of our thoughts. “Why are you up so early?”

Zayn smiled and yawned. “A text woke me.”

Louis made smooching noises and Liam and I chuckled. Normally, Niall would have been laughing uncontrollably at such an action, but he was so into the whole Pizza Hut idea that his eyes didn’t leave the phone in his hands.

Zayn took a seat on the couch as well, which was now occupied by all four of them, and he began texting. I really hoped he was calling it off with Perrie right now, rather than sweeping Lola off her feet as always.

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