Chapter 18: Abandonment

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Lola Solemen

Harry swam over to me as fast as he could. He had such a terrified expression; like I'd been hit by a car and was on the verge of death.

I took a look at all of their significantly alarmed expressions, another sob threatening to escape my throat. I quickly made up my mind that I couldn't come right out and tell them about what had happened. Not yet.

My eyes lingered on Zayn's face in particular, taking in those worried, wide eyes. His perfectly sculpted face was contorted all because of my reaction.

But how else could I have reacted?

I looked back down at my phone. The beeping Niall had heard had been for both: missed calls and text messages. They were all from Kris.

9:34 pm: Lola. Call me back as soon as you see this.

9:41 pm: Why aren't you calling me back?! Lola, I can't tell you through text. CALL ME RIGHT NOW.

9:57 pm: I can't believe you're going to make me do this...

And the last few texts, the ones that shattered my heart into a million pieces, were still there even though I hoped I had just imagined them. They stared up at me, each word and each letter like a knife, stabbing my heart.

10:22 pm: I'm sorry to have to text this to you, Lola. I went to check on your mom, just like I do every night, and she... she was passed out or something. I don't know what happened to her, but I called 911 as soon as I saw her. My mom and I are at the hospital with her right now. We're still not sure what happened, but when the doctors tell us, I'll let you know.

10:22 pm: I didn't want you to know because it'll ruin everything there, but my mom said you had the right to know since she's your mother. I'm sorry this happened, Lola, but I'm sure she's all right. Don't freak out and don't do anything stupid. I'll call you as soon as I get more information.

10:23 pm: Don't cry. <3

"Lola," Zayn said in a hoarse voice, his face frozen.

I looked up at him for a second and told myself to calm down. I shouldn't be jumping to conclusions so quickly. Maybe nothing serious had happened.

But how often did people randomly faint?

There had to be a reason.

Maybe not a serious one, though. Maybe she was... dehydrated or something.

"That's stupid," I whispered to myself, forgetting where I was.

Niall and Liam exchanged a glance, Harry stared me dead in the eyes, and Eleanor stood frozen beside Louis. Zayn looked like he already knew what had happened. He looked miserable.


"Lola," Harry said after a moment's silence. His voice was soft, persuasive. It was the kind of voice one would use when they were talking to a little kid who'd lost her favorite toy. "What happened?"

I shook my head, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath afterwards. I had to keep my cool and not freak them all out. Nothing was for sure.

"I have to make a phone call," I mumbled, barely hearing myself.

They somehow managed to capture my words, though, and no one protested as I pulled myself out of the pool. Zayn helped me up, since I was still holding my phone and it was rather difficult to climb out without the stairs. He stood up beside me and I stared at him vaguely, my thoughts somewhere else entirely.

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