Chapter 3: DarkStar

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Lola Solemen

My first instinct was to shut off my laptop and never reply to DarkStar. Don't ask me why that was my first instinct, because I don't know. All I know is that I was terrified. I don’t even know why. It just shocked me to the core.

Who are you? I wrote. Plain and simple. It was my second instinct: to find out what was really going on.

It was strange how quickly he responded.

You already know that. :) He wrote.

I was confused. I knew what it appeared to be. I knew that the clues were leading up to him. But I refused to believe it. It was too unreal.

But then again, hadn't everything tonight been exactly that? Unreal?

I sighed and typed: It's not possible.

It is. He responded.

Prove it. I wrote, angry now.

Who did this DarkStar guy think he was? Impersonating a celebrity.

But why would he try to impersonate Zayn Malik? Did he know I had gone to One Direction's concert? And what were the odds of him writing exactly what Zayn Malik had written under his signature?

I hated being confused. I waited for him to reply, but he didn't for quite a while. So I gave up and shut off my computer.

I grabbed my cellphone and skimmed through my contacts until I reached Kris' name. I hesitated.

Nothing is for sure. Only when I'm sure... then I'll let her know.

I nodded to myself, agreeing on that idea.

I put my phone away and I climbed into bed. I didn't even change from my One Direction T-shirt and jeans into something more suitable for sleeping. I just wanted to rest and replay that night's events in my head.

I remembered Zayn's smile, and I fell asleep almost instantly.

Zayn Malik

I tried to decide what to say.

How could I prove it? I begged myself for an idea.

I could send her a letter?

No, that was too romantic. I didn’t even know what she thought of me at the moment.

Send her a picture?

She would think it was from the web or something.

Tickets to tonight’s second performance?

No... I didn’t have her address, anyway.

Call her?

I doubt she would give me her—

It suddenly hit me. I knew exactly what to respond.

That would prove everything. She had to believe it. I mean, how many guys could impersonate a celebrity so well that they actual sounded like them when they sang?


I typed it in and closed my laptop silently. It was close to midnight and Liam was already sound asleep in his bed. I could still hear the TV from the main room, so that left Louis, Niall, or Harry.

Considering today’s events, I scratched Harry off of the list of people who'd like to go to the market with me.

I know it was immature, but I couldn’t help it. I was just so frustrated. So annoyed.

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