Chapter 12: Trouble

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Zayn Malik

We had already been in the hot tub for nearly an hour. Louis and Niall had joined us a little while ago and had begun playing random games to pass the time. They had hold-your-breath contests, splashed each other, and played Quick-fire. But I was watching the rain through a window that covered an entire wall at one side of the room, thinking about Lola.

“Guys, want to head out?” Liam asked.

Harry and Niall had just finished rushing through a few Quick-fire questions given by Louis. Niall and Harry nodded. Louis just stared off into the distance, thinking about something.

“All right, then, let’s go.” I said, pulling myself out of the hot tub.

The mates followed me and we grabbed some towels, wrapped them around our shoulders, and walked toward the elevator. Louis and Niall waved goodbye to the three girls they had joined in the hot tub earlier.

I nudged Niall’s arm playfully. “Found someone cute, eh?”

He laughed me off, but he didn’t deny it.

“Who wants to take the stairs?” Louis suddenly shouted, wrapping his arms around Niall’s and Harry’s shoulders.

“No one,” we all groaned at the same time.

“C’mon!” Louis grabbed Niall’s arm. “Let’s go, Nialler. Race you down!”

Niall pulled his arm away. “No. Too lazy.”

We laughed at him. I put an arm around Niall’s shoulder and rubbed a fist in his hair, messing it up so that he would laugh with us. I loved that kid.

“I’ll do it,” Liam said to Louis.

We laughed even louder.

“Oh, look at me, I’m Liam,” I mocked him. “I love exercising.”

“Press-ups!” Harry shouted jokingly. “I can do press-ups.”

Liam rolled his eyes and Louis opened the stairway door beside the elevator. They stood there, looking like sprinters in the Olympics, while Harry counted down from three.

“Three…” Harry said, holding up the amount of fingers. “Two…” he lowered one. “One!”

Liam and Louis bolted down the stairs, the door shutting behind them. Harry smiled and pushed the elevator button.

“You think we’ll beat them down?” Niall asked, watching the screen on top of the elevator which indicated that it was on its way up.

“We might,” Harry said. “I doubt they’ll be able to run down three flights of stairs before the lift gets there."

Niall laughed. “Yeah… me too.”

The elevator beeped and its doors opened before us. We entered the elevator and Harry pushed the button for our floor. He watched my face in a strange way. Like something about me made him sad.

I sighed, meeting his eyes. “What’s up, Harry?”

“What do you think Lola’s parents said?” he asked me.

“You think they said yes?” Niall asked, joining him in watching me.

I frowned. “I hope so, mate.”

Niall patted my arm and the elevator beeped again. The doors slid open to reveal a heavy breathing Louis and Liam. Louis laughed.

“We beat you down!” He yelled, trying very hard to get the words out with every breath. “Hell yeah!”

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