Chapter 23: Impossible

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Louis Tomlinson

"I will hurt you, you son of a—!" Harry exclaimed his unfinished threat as Liam glared at him for almost swearing at me.

I laughed.

"Lou!" They shouted at the same time, angrily. "It's not funny!"

"Jinx for you two," I said casually. "Who's giving who a soda?"

"You know where they went?" Harry asked me intensely, moving his face closer to mine for emphasis. He glared into my eyes, losing all the cheekiness he so often had in him. His gaze didn't really bother me, but having him look at me as if he hated me made me feel somewhat uncomfortable.

I stuck my tongue out so that it touched the tip of his nose, and he cringed away, giving me breathing space again. I sighed in relief.

"I think we all know where they went," Liam said.

When neither one of us made a comment, he added: "Lola, obviously."

Harry blinked at him, looking a bit dumbfounded. "You're right."

Liam nodded just as another laugh escaped my mouth. I had to distract them, because of course, they were right. But how...

"HOLY PIGEON, BY THE NAME OF KEVIN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I cannot believe I didn't understand that sooner!"

After flinching in surprise at the sudden intensity to the volume of my voice, Harry and Liam exchanged a worried glance before asking me for an explanation.

"Niall told me something about where they were headed." I lied mysteriously, rubbing my chin with my fingers to look more intriguing. "But I forgot what he said. Were they going to go back to the hotel to get their things first, or were they just heading to the airport straightaway?" I rambled aimlessly while they watched in confusion.

Harry sighed furiously, taking a moment to mess up his curls with his hand in frustration. Liam just glared at me like I was a madman.

"Oh! Right, yeah." I said calmly. "I remember now."

"Are you lying, Lou?" Liam asked me quizzically. "You better not be."

"Of course not!" I acted like his words had offended me. "I know which they're doing as we speak. The more time you waste acting suspicious towards me, the higher their chances of escape."

Liam sighed similarly to Harry, and finally said, "What did they decide to do first?"

I spoke the utter truth. "Airport. Straightaway."

"Liar." Harry declared instantly with a point of his finger and a malicious grin. "So they're back at the hotel, then."

I shrugged. "Fine. Don't believe me."

Liam looked like he was considering what I had said, but Harry was more eager.

"C'mon," he said to Liam over his shoulder as he trudged out of Nando's into the darkened streets.

"We're going to the hotel?" Liam asked after him, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with them.

"Yup." I spoke in Harry's place, pouting my lower lip like a baby. "Because Boo Bear's a liar, suddenly."

Surprisingly, Harry smiled at me over his shoulder, a dimple staining his cheek. He slowed his pace until he was at our side, and, his eyes still on me, he laughed.

"I love you, Boo Bear," he admitted. "But it's obvious you want Zayn to go after Lola."

I nodded honestly. "Yeah, I do. I don't understand what's wrong with that."

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