Chapter 21: Hurt

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Lola Solemen

"Kris," I whispered hastily, jumping up from the couch.

Her eyes widened and she hopped up beside me, screaming, "Lola! He told the whole freaking world that--"

"Shut up!" I said irritably. "Kris, how many views did you say I had on Youtube?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Almost at the millions. Why?"

"And subscribers?"

"Same." She answered vaguely before adding, "Wait, why?"

"Kris," I smiled. "I can fix this. At least a little."

"Okay..." She eyed me suspiciously, and as I rushed upstairs to my room, I heard her follow behind me without another word.

We entered my room and I quickly began setting up my camera equipment, all the things we usually used for my cover videos. I even set up my chair exactly how I always did.

She watched me, trying to make sense my intentions. "You're singing him a song?"

I frowned at her. "No... I wanted to make him a video."


"An apology I owe him," I said sadly.

She nodded, her face becoming grim at how important this really was to me. Then she suddenly grabbed my hand and led me to my bathroom.

"You shouldn't look like shit on a video that's most likely going to be everywhere on the Internet after we upload it." She said seriously, beginning to comb her fingers through my tangled hair.

"Thanks," I sighed, leaned my elbows on my sink, and prepared the words for my apology in my head.

Zayn Malik

"What the hell is the matter with you?" Liam shouted behind me as I hopped into the van we had waiting for us outside. I guess he was referring to my spill about Lola on live TV.

Oh, well.

"Nothing's wrong with 'im," Niall interjected, shoving Liam a bit with his elbow as he followed me into the car. "Leave the lad alone, he's not in the best of moods."

"Niallers got it all right," Louis said to Liam, smiling at us from inside the van.

We all slumped down in our seats, following our usual formation. The following moments after my spoiler on Lola's and my relationship, or previous relationship, had gone awkwardly at the interview. I'd let the rest of the boys answer any other questions that were given. And even though the interviewee had purposely thrown questions at me, I'd let them answer in my place.

After what I'd said... all I wanted to do was sleep. Maybe for forever.

I pulled out my earphones from my pocket, but before I had a chance to realize I'd accidentally packed my iPod with the rest of my luggage, meaning I couldn't use it right then, Harry held out his iPod Touch for me.

I couldn't believe that after all the shit I'd given him, or rather, we'd given each other, that Harry was still treating me like a brother. He was the perfect friend. How could I compete with that? I'd never be as great as him.

I stared into his eyes sadly, thanking him in my mind before gently taking it from his hand.

"No problem," he whispered shortly after. "You need it."

The van began moving, streets flowing by like water. Nothing significant. Nothing important. I pushed the earphones into my ears and pressed shuffle on all of Harry's songs. As the music began blasting in my ears, I leaned my head back on my seat and closed my eyes.

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