Chapter 13

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   Y/n had never had so much fun in her life. She could hardly believe her friends did all this for her, they didn't have to. They ate cake, drank, danced, fought like they always did, and laughed for hours. However it didn't take long for y/n to start feeling the effects of her drinks. "I-I really thought I could beat Cana in a drinking contessst," the female dragon slayer slurred through her hiccups. Nastu, who had also had a few drinks, although not enough for him to be on y/n's level, let his girlfriend rest her head on his shoulder. "Hey babe," he said softly, y/n lifted her head to look at him. "I still haven't given you your present," Natsu says with his signature big toothy grin. The female dragon slayer giggles, "you didn't have to do that for me pinky! Just being here with you and all our friends is the best gift I could ask for!"
   "I know, blossom, but still.. I wanted to get you something special," he says shyly lifting the poorly wrapped present out from under the table. Y/n looks at him confused, and then giggles again at his wrapping job. She takes the present from his hands and unwraps it as Natsu looks at her with nervous anticipation. As the wrapping paper begins to peel away she sees a wooden picture frame, the outline of two dragons are carved out on either side. The dragons look as if they're caressing the photograph, it's a picture of all their friends in the guild.
   She remembers taking this picture, it was supposed to be a picture for sorcerers weekly, but no one could be serious for more than 30 seconds. Natsu was holding y/n in his arms, Lucy was being chased by Taurus, Gray was trying to escape Juvia's embrace, and Erza was taking it too seriously, to the point she looked downright scary. It took 20 tries for them to finally get the shot right, but y/n had never seen this one or any of the other pictures that didn't get featured. Tears welled in her eyes as she looked at a smiling Natsu, and he quickly wrapped her in a bear hug, his chin resting on the top of her head. "Thank you, Natsu," she says sniffling into his shirt, "this is now the most precious thing I own. How did you even get this?" Natsu chuckles and shifts nervously, "ehh I kinda had to make a deal with Jason. I would pose for sorcerers weekly and do an inside scoop on our seven year disappearance if he gave me one of the blooper pictures." Y/n laughs hysterically at this while Natsu winces, he could already hear the reporter saying 'soOooOoo coooooooOooooOol' in his head.
   Natsu shook the horrifying thoughts from his head, "Annnnnnyways, how are you feeling now that you're 18?" The pink haired mage grins mischievously at y/n and she squirms in her seat. He'd suspected she was his mate since he had turned 18, but since she wasn't of age yet he wasn't 100% sure. However, she was now, and before she had even walked into the guild hall her mesmerizing scent flooded his senses. It was taking every bit of his being to not scoop her up immediately upon seeing her and mate with her then and there. It was reassuring to him to now know that they really were destined to be together. Natsu loved y/n with every bit of his being, and with them being mates, well that just sealed the deal. Now he could mark her as his own, and the whole world would know that they belonged to one another.
   "I-I w-well.. y-you know.." y/n tries to stammer out how she's feeling, but between the embarrassment and the overwhelming lustful urges for Natsu she's suppressing, she couldn't get the words out. The fire dragon slayer just laughs as her face turns redder and hotter, "well the party seems to be dying down a bit. How about we head home, blossom?" They glanced around the room, their friends were passed out everywhere, it had gotten later than they'd realized. Y/n nodded lightly, causing Natsu to scoop her up bridal style to carry her home. He noticed Happy and Crystal snoozing on a table with Carla and Pantherlily, which means he and y/n had the house to themselves.
   Mischievous thoughts filled his mind as his body temperature grew hotter. Now that y/n was 18 the urge to mate with her was almost unbearable, he could already feel a situation in his pants just from holding her close to him. Y/n was feeling the same way as Natsu has her cradled in his strong arms. Natsu had always been warm, but the heat he was radiating now was like she was being hugged by the sun. Her cheeks flushed as she could feel his heart rate accelerating. The best present was yet to come, and luckily they had a good ways home for y/n to sober up before the fun could really begin.

Guys I'm so sorry for the long gap between updates! I'll be releasing the next chapter soon and the next chapter will be lemons!!!! Just a fair warning ahead of time, and also I think the next chapter I will have it as first person POV, I think I will do that for all the lemon parts but let me know what y'all think!

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu