Chapter 17

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     "Ahh this is so relaxing," Lucy sighed as she lowered herself into the hot spring. Wendy giggled, "it's nice and quiet without the guys here!" Levy peaked up from behind her book, "I know, I can actually get some reading done!" Erza swam over to the female dragon slayer who was nearly completely submerged in the bath water. "What's wrong (Y/n)? You're awfully quiet tonight."

     (Y/n) didn't even look up at her concerned friend, she just continued to blow bubbles in the water. "She's been like that ever since we split from the guys," Lucy says to Titania. "She must miss Natsu," the blonde giggled. (Y/n) sighed and sat up straight, "no I've just had a strange dream last night," she said shaking her head. The young wizard explained her dream to her friends the way she had told Natsu. "The woman that I called mother, she radiated power, but it didn't feel like our kind magic; it felt ancient."

     "(Y/n), can you remember anything else about her? Maybe with a little more to go on we could find her," Wendy asked. (Y/n) thought for a moment, searching her mind for anything she may have missed. "A moon," she mumbled. "When she got up to protect me a golden, glowing, crescent moon appeared on her forehead. I mean, her whole body kinda glowed, but the moon shone like a star." Levy hummed to herself while she thought, before she spoke. "I remember reading an old story once about a woman like that. It was an old tale that spoke of the goddess of the moon, Mene. It said that every dawn she would come down to Earth because she loved humans so much, which is why night turned to day. Because the moon left the sky."

     "Mene... why does that name sound so familiar..." Lucy mumbled to herself. "(Y/n), I'll ask Grandpa Crux to look into it, I know I've heard that name before," The celestial wizard said, determined. "I'll see what else I can find about that goddess too, maybe it was based on a real person and you could be descended from them," Levy said, smiling warmly. (Y/n) sniffled as the tears fought to fall from her eyes. The girls all came over to embrace their friend as she thanked them for helping her.

     After their bath the girls walked back to their rooms in their robes. Lucy stops walking, with other girls following. "Look! The stars are so pretty!" Lucy says while leaving over the banister. "Yeah they are," Levy says agreeing with her, "hey I wonder how training is going for the others?" "Do you think they might be out there looking at the same stars that we are right now?" Wendy asks innocently as she looks up at the night sky. (Y/n) giggles, "oh they definitely are on a beautiful night like this!" The water-dragon slayer gazed up at the night sky, her eyes stopping on the crescent moon. Looking at it gave her a strange feeling, it was as if she was homesick, but she wasn't sure why. "We can do it, I know we can," Lucy says softly about the grand magic games. Her statement was enough to pull (Y/n) from her thoughts as she flashed her a grin, "Oh yeah we're gonna wipe the floor with the other teams! They don't stand a chance!" She said as she hugged the blonde mage tightly. "Come on now everyone. We need to rest so we can get a good full day of training tomorrow," Erza said to the group of girls who agreed with her.

     Once they had returned to their rooms, (Y/n) entered the one she and Crystal shared with Natsu and Happy only to find her boyfriend there still waiting up for her. As soon as she shut the door the fire-dragon slayer threw his arms around the (h/c) girl, "I missed you, you took forever with them!" (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh at how cute he was while he was whining. "I'm sorry, Natsu, but you couldn't come to the bath with us. Erza probably would have killed you if you did." "Yeah but the baths with the guys sucked," Natsu whined again as he sat back down on the bed. (Y/n) followed him and flopped down beside him on the opposite side of the bed. "I'm sure you and Gray fought the entire time," Crystal said snickering. "Yeah they almost got kicked out of the bath house by the staff," Happy said laughing while flying above the dragon slayers heads. "Shut up Happy!" Natsu said as he threw a pillow at the blue cat. Happy flew off with Crystal to their cots to go to sleep, and (Y/n) turned her attention back to Natsu.

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now