Chapter 6

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After exhausting all the spa's water park had to offer, the group still hadn't been called back to add more steam to the room. The dragon slayers went to talk to Anya, while Happy and Crystal went to explore the spa more. After talking to Anya and confirming that the steam was dwindling, the duo walked back to the steam room. "Well its been 2 hours, that steam has to be pretty weak by now, lets kick it up a notch!" Natsu exclaims, punching his fist into his other palm. (Y/n) giggles at her goofball of a friend, "Chill, Natsu, we don't want to flood the place with steam. We only need enough to fill the room up."
   As the pair opens the steam room doors, their faces are flushed with embarrassment, noticing that there are couples inside. Naked couples, making out, and getting all handsy. "L-let's just get this over with," (y/n) murmers as Natsu quickly nods in agreement. Once the room is blanketed once more in steam they hurriedly scurry out and slam the door shut. Well that was awkward, although now all I can think about is (y/n), her soft, pink, lips on mine.. Her fingers tugging at my hair… My hands slowly moving down her sides to her.. FUCK I GOTTA STOP THINKING ABOUT THIS. Natsu struggles to get the thoughts out of his head, but is distracted by (y/n) laughing. He looks to her, taken aback by her natural beauty. God she's so beautiful, the way her eyes crinkle when she smiles, and her laugh.. its contagious.. if angels exists this is what they must sound like.. (y/n) catches Natsu staring at her, as if lost in his thoughts, with a blush starting to form on his sun-kissed cheeks.
   "As awkward as that was, you gotta admit it was kind of hilarious," she says to him while laughing, but he's still just staring at her. It's as if he's enraptured by her, like he's in a trance. "Hello-o, Earthland to Natsu, are you okay?" She asks, snapping him back to reality. "O-oh y-yeah I'm fine," he mutters, "you're just.. r-really p-pretty.. is all.."
   Although the last part was hushed, (y/n) still heard it due to her sensitive hearing. "Y-you.. think I'm pretty?" She asks him shocked, playing with her hair nervously. Natsu gives her a small smile, "Well I.." but he's cut off by Happy and Crystal flying over to them. "Hey guys, you gotta check out what we found!" Happy exclaims, as the exceeds pull their companions away from their conversation. 
   "Woah.." Is all (y/n) and Natsu can say, as they stand in front of an indoor replica of a natural hot spring. The water is bubbling, and slightly steaming, and among the back wall is a large rock formation with a waterfall flowing down into the pool. Couples are lining it, cuddling close to each other, some kissing, and others looking into each others eyes lovingly. (Y/n) looks at the water, feeling at ease at the clear blue liquid that's shimmering in the dim lights, but Natsu can only watch her.
   Her (e/c) eyes sparkling with excitement, a smile beginning to form on her lips. Knowing that seeing her happy is the only thing he needs to be happy as well. He chuckles softly, taking her hand, "well wanna go in?" (Y/n) looks at him with a big grin on her face that completely makes him melt. "Uhm absolutely!" She exclaims pulling him into the warm water of the artificial spring with her. They swim over to the waterfall, noticing a little nook behind it with a seat built into the pool, and sit on it. It's a small space, so their bodies are touching as they sit next to each other. (Y/n)'s cheeks flush as she notices what a romantic spot this is.
   "Hey (y/n), I know we were interrupted earlier, but.. I-I do t-think you're p-pretty…" Natsu murmers to her, kicking his feet in the water and looking down and the small waves from the waterfall. "I-I'm not sure what l-love is exactly," he continues, "but I do know you make me really happy, and every time I see you I get butterflies in my stomach, and all I wanna do is spend time with you and make you smile. Your smile is one of my favorite things in the world, always has been.." (y/n) rests her head on his shoulder, putting her hand on top of his. "I feel the same way," she replies, her voice soft almost like a whisper, "I don't ever want to be without you, pinky."
   "Y-you do?" He asks flashing one of the biggest toothy smiles she's ever seen, as he's blushing, "d-do you m-maybe wanna… ya know.. g-grab d-dinner.. w-with me.. or something tonight then?" (Y/n) looks into his deep onyx orbs as they sparkle at her, just seeing him smile is contagious and she can't help but smile as well. "U-uhm y-yeah that sounds r-really n-nice.." She squeaks out, her stomach feeling as if it's doing back flips, and hearing her heart beating in her ears, "i-its a d-date."
   As if Natsu's smile couldn't get any bigger, he grins from ear to ear at this, and picks (y/n) up, embracing her and spinning her around. When he's done he gives her a kiss on her forehead, making them both blush more. A date.. with Natsu.. (y/n) thinks, smiling to herself. I-I have a date with (y/n) tonight! I can't believe it! Oh shit, wait, I've never been on a date! Aw man I'm so gunna screw this up! Natsu mentally kicks himself, but is still reeling from excitement. Oh no what do I wear? What do I do? Oh God I'm so nervous, but I shouldn't be, it's Natsu, we've known each other forever, so it'll be fine. (Y/n) hopes, making a note to ask Mirajane for advice as soon as they get home. 

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now