Chapter 20

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A/N: I'm so sorry for how long it's been everyone! I could sit here and list the excuses but regardless of their validity I would still feel bad and I would rather give you guys this next chapter. Enjoy!

(Y/n)'s POV

"You're awake!" The pinkette screamed in my face as my eyes fluttered open to meet his onyx orbs only inches from mine. I blinked the blurriness from my sight as he pulled me into a hug. "N-Natsu.. What happened to me," I asked, confused, looking around me as all of our friends gathered by our side. Juvia ran to my side sobbing uncontrollably, "(Y/n) I-I'm so sorry, we were training and then, I'm not sure but y-you changed, and then you collapsed!" That's right, I think I tapped into my mothers powers, but why can't I remember anything after healing Juvia? I furrowed my brows, desperately trying to uncover the memories from when I blacked out. A warm light, a laugh, a broken seal. I couldn't make sense of it, but all I knew is I felt different, stronger.
I shook the thoughts away and smiled, "oh I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to scare you! I must've just collapsed from exhaustion since I didn't sleep well!" My friends looked at me concerned, not fully accepting my answer, but not wanting to press further. Natsu tightened his grip around me, "let me help you to our room. You need to rest for a bit." His voice was soft and hushed, and I could hear the worry in his words. I nodded as he picked me up bridal style and brought me back to our hotel room, placing me on our bed. He sat on the edge, not facing me, the pain plastered on his face. "I should've gone with you this morning," he said in a hushed tone, his voice cracking. "I shouldn't have let you go train without me, not with everything you've been going through."
I moved close to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Natsu, I'm okay, I was probably just exhausted," I said as I played with his hair to try and calm him down. However, he caught my wrist and turned to face me, his features full of fear as he choked out, "you were seizing in my arms. That was not exhaustion, I almost lost you, and there was nothing I could do to save you until Mene stepped in." This took you by surprise, "Mene? So it wasn't a dream then." I mumbled to myself.
So she was really there, then this feeling I've had since I woke up on the beach, was this because of the seal being broken? Natsu explained to me how Mene stepped in, and what she had told him. "I'm so sorry for scaring you, Pinky, but I'm okay now I promise. You helped Mene save me, you brought me back," I told him while giving him a reassuring smile before wrapping my arms around his neck and embracing him. I didn't pay attention to how much time had passed while we held each other, but I did start to feel rejuvenated. "Now, can we get back to training for the games? We have to get Fairy Tail to number one again," this changed his mood almost immediately. He jumped off the bed with a confident grin on his face. "Heck ya, I'm all fired up!" Natsu pounced on top of me, his arms on the side of my head, his face inches from mine with a goofy smile on his face. "You're training with me and Happy though! I wanna fight you," he said, causing me to giggle.
"At the beach? When your magic is at a clear disadvantage against mine even without me being in my element? I mean I won't argue there if you're that desperate to lose." A tick mark appeared on his face, "oh you're in for it now, babe!" Natsu picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder. He then sprinted out of the room towards the ocean, all the while me laughing and squealing for him to put me down.

By the time early afternoon rolled around-

"Just give up, Pinky! I've already beaten you 3 times without breaking a sweat," I laughed while Natsu fumed. Which is pretty unbelievable, I mean I know I have the advantage with my type of magic and our battle field, but Natsu has always been stronger. Even after two fights I don't feel even close to being out of magic. I feel stronger, powerful. I feel.. different. I shook the thoughts away, not letting the confusion show on my face. "It's only been two days for me, but I think my magic has improved already," Wendy said as she and Gray joined us on the beachfront. Natsu grinned, "Yeah!! After fighting (Y/n) I'm all powered up now!!"
"Even though you lost?" Happy and Crystal snickered as Carla rolled her eyes. The blue cat's comment earned an irritated shout from the fire-dragon slayer. Gray ignored the bickering, and turned to me. "If we work full out on building up our bodies.." I finished his sentence with a grin and a thumbs up, "we will have no problem kicking ass at the games!" We were all so busy talking that we didn't notice Lucy, Erza, and Levy joining the conversation. However, Natsu's maniacal laughter next to me muffled out Erza and Levy's comments.
"HA HA HA HA HA!! Just watch and see, you jerks from the other guilds! You'll see what comes from fairies doing three months of training by fire," my boyfriend shouted as if the other participating guilds could hear him. I sighed with a sweat drop as I turned my attention to Lucy and Happy adding that three months is plenty of time. We were all fired up and ready to return to training until...
"PRINCESS! Bad news!" Virgo launched herself from one of her holes that appeared out of nowhere. Unfortunately her home was beneath Lucy's butt. A screaming Lucy I just so happened to be standing next to. The force of Virgo's appearance made me stumble back into Natsu's arms, which he happily wrapped around my waist. I was a bit dazed for a moment, but I was able to refocus when Virgo told us why she had come.

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora