Chapter 1

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A young woman sits at a clean wooden bar, as fighting and chaos goes on around her, she's become accustomed to it though. She smiles while looking into her drink, and remembers how she came upon this crazy guild.


"Mama? Where are you?" A young girl cries out between her sobs. Exhausted, she stumbles on a tree root, having spent morning to sunset looking for her adoptive mother. She cries, pulling her knees to her chest. "Mama, why have you left me? Where have you gone?" she sniffles. Suddenly she hears rustling from the forest she had come from. A young boy, maybe a year older than her with salmon-pink hair and onyx eyes, comes from the bristles and into the clearing. Spotting the crying young girl, he approaches slowly.
"Excuse me", he pants, "My dad is missing and I can't find him anywhere! I just woke up this morning and he was gone! Have you seen him?" The girl looks at him, tears in her eyes, and shakes her head no. His dad is missing too? She thinks to herself. "No.. I haven't seen anyone..." she replies quietly, trying to contain her sobs, "My mother is missing as well, maybe we can look for them together? What does he look like?" She asks, getting a better look at the boy in front of her. He was shirtless, wearing only yellowish-tan shorts, tied up with a brown string, and an odd looking white scarf that was a bit too big on him. His pink hair was messy, and his eyes were red and puffy, like he had been crying.
"Well", he replies, moving a hand to his chin as if he's thinking, "he's really big, he has big claws and wings, and red scales.. His name is Igneel and he breathes fire!" The girl looks at him with wide eyes, brushing her (h/c) hair off her cheeks and tucking it behind her ears. "Wait is your dad a dragon? So is my mom!" She exclaims, "She's a water dragon, her name is Lunala, she has blue scales that sparkle, and a fin-like tail!" The boy looks at her and gives her a reassuring smile, he reaches out a hand to help her up. "Alright then, we'll find 'em together then! Oh yeah, I'm all fired up now! Let's go find our dragons!" He shouts, still holding the girl's hand and pulling her behind him as they run. "My name is (y/n)(l/n), what's yours?" The girl asks him, her (e/c) eyes brimming with hopeful tears. The boy stops and turns to look at her, giving her a big toothy grin, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh yeah, kinda forgot the introductions, my names Natsu... Natsu Dragneel."

The memory fades into another...

Two children are walking through the forest, hand in hand, when they spot a small old man sitting on a log meditating. He wore a white cloak, and was balding on top but still had white tufts of hair on the sides, with a matching white mustache. The pink haired boy pulled the (h/c) haired girl behind a bush with him, trying to protect her from the stranger. The old man chuckled, even with his eyes closed he could sense their presence. Jumping off the log, he turns and faces the bush. "I know you're there children, don't be afraid I mean you no harm. Are you two alright?" His voice is gentle and warm, the young girl inches to move forward, but Natsu pushes her behind him as they emerge from the hiding spot. "We are fine, this is (y/n)(l/n) and I'm Natsu Dragneel, who are you?" Natsu asks the old man bluntly, (y/n) clinging to his arm.
"I am Makarov, Master Makarov Dreyar of the Fairy Tail guild. Are you two lost? Where are your parents? It's dangerous for you two to be walking in the forest when the sun is about to go down," the old man replies, looking at the two kids gingerly, inspecting them. The children looked to be about 11 and 12, they couldn't be much older. They are a bit worse for wear, but it seems to be nothing more than scratches and bruises, and they are probably in need of a good meal and a bath.
"Our parents are missing, so we've been looking for them for a while now, but so far nothing," (y/n) says sadly, still hiding behind Natsu, but relaxing at the kindness and warmth radiating from the old guild master. "Yeah, but it's ok, because we're dragon slayers! We're really strong because our dragons taught us to be!" Natsu says brazenly, giving Makarov his infamous toothy grin. Upon hearing this and seeing Natsu's small fangs the guild master is shocked. He had heard of dragon slayers from the old history books in the Library of Sorcerers, but in all his years of wizardry had never actually met one, much less two.
"Well I have seen no dragons," Makarov says, clearing his throat, "but how would you two like to come back to my guild with me. You can have a nice hot meal, and a bath, and we will give you shelter. You could even stay with us and join Fairy Tail if you like it there." The children's eyes lit up at the mention of a real meal, they look at each other and smile. "Alright then what are we waiting for, let's go!" Natsu says, answering for the both of them and jumping around excitedly. (Y/n) giggled as she followed Makarov with Natsu. "Don't worry, (y/n), I'll protect you from any wizard that tries to mess with you," Natsu says, taking her hand and giving her a smile. (Y/n) smiles back and nods, excited for her new adventure.

End of flashback

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now