Chapter 7

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   After steaming the room a final time before their leave, the dragon slayers, along with their exceed companions, make their way to the exit; knowing that the room won't need any more steam before the spa closes. As they're walking, (y/n) notices a sign and stops to read it. "Hey Natsu, look! There's a massage area, we should get one before we leave," she exclaims to her crush, wanting to calm her nerves before their date tonight. Natsu clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck, and blushing as he sheepishly mutters while he looks down, "I-I uh.. d-don't like the thought of a-anyone else's hands on you l-like that…"
   The statement makes (y/n)'s cheeks turn a deep crimson, waving her hands in front of her dismissing her suggestion as she looks away. "O-oh uh I d-didn't t-think of it l-like t-that, heh, uh just p-pretend I didn't mention i-it," she stutters, the words barely able to escape her lips, as her nervousness built in her chest. Natsu ruffles her hair while chuckling, his body heat gradually increasing, as he was admiring how adorable she is when she's embarrassed.
   Taking her hand, the pink-haired young man led her out of the spa, waving goodbye to the owner after receiving their payment. Splitting it half and half, Natsu smiled to himself, excited that he now had plenty of money to take (y/n) on a nice date. Although he's still unsure as to what a date includes, he does know that he wants to make it special for her. It's her first date too after all, he has to make sure that it's perfect. 
   Making their way to the train station, the two dragons board begrudgingly, Natsu laying his head in (y/n)'s lap as she rests her head against the cool, glass window. Happy and Crystal curling up on the seat across from them and falling asleep after their long day. (Y/n) runs her fingers through Natsu's soft, pink locks, comforting him as the train embarks on its route back to magnolia. (Y/n) had finished her herbal tea while Natsu drifted off to sleep, snoring softly, making her giggle as she watched him sleep.
   He's so peaceful when he sleeps… Like he doesn't have a care in the world…. He looks so sweet and innocent, he's so cute like this.. The (h/c) haired girl thinks to herself; looking towards the back of the train car, she notices the time on the clock above the door. Hmm five o'clock.. I wonder what time Natsu wants to go out… I'm so nervous, I don't even think I have anything to wear! Maybe Mira has something I can borrow, my chest has finally filled out enough, so I should be able to fill it out..
   She looks out the window, watching the landscape whirring by them, the sun slowly starting its descent down the sky. As the scenery shifts as the speed down the tracks, (y/n) loses herself to her daydreams, the light, rhythmed snores of her dear friends as her soundtrack.

Flashback from (y/n)'s POV

   Natsu and I race each other to the guild hall, my smaller physique makes it easy for me to overtake him in a foot race. Today however, Pinky is refusing to lose, I notice him picking up his pace. "I'm not gunna lose, blossom!" He shouts, closing the distance behind them. I laugh at him, he thinks he's gunna win? I'd like to see him try!
   I step it up as well, increasing my speed, but Natsu won't give up, getting closer and closer to me as we approach the guild hall. We left Happy and Crystal at the house to sleep in, so we don't have to worry about waiting for them to catch up. We've only had the house for a month, but being anywhere with Natsu feels like home. I lose focus, thinking about our home together, causing me to lose my footing, stumbling to the ground. Natsu, being so close behind me, trips along with me and lands on top of me.
   The 13 year old, pink-headed goofball blushes, and gives me his signature wide, toothy grin. We sit like that for a minute, giggling before he finally climbs off me and helps me up. "Are you alright, blossom?" He asks, inspecting me for injuries. I nod that I am, but Natsu still takes my hands as he flips them over, seeing them all torn up from the sidewalk when I caught my fall. He gently leans down and licks them clean, like our dragons used to do for us. The minor scrapes beginning to heal from the saliva of the young dragon slayer.
   Both of us begin blushing almost simultaneously at this action, as Natsu kisses both my hands gingerly when he's finished, then straightening back up so we are face to face. I look into his onyx orbs, filled with care, for as dark as they are, they're still so soft and warm. "Better?" He asks with concern in his voice. "Much," I smile and give him a reassuring nod as we continue our walk to the guild hall, strolling together hand in hand. 

End of Flashback

   (Y/n)'s smile fades along with her memory as another wave of nausea overtakes her. Tossing her head back against the train seat as she tries to quell her stomach. Man, I really hate this motion sickness.. She thinks, looking down at Natsu still sleeping, although he's sleeping soundly, his skin is still discolored from the motion sickness as well. (Y/n) continues to play with his hair, running her thumb down his cheek, slightly caressing it.
   Natsu smiles in his sleep, and sighs contently under her touch. (Y/n) feels his body temperature rise, warming her uneasy stomach, as if burning away her weakness to the moving vehicle. Even in his sleep, he always manages to make me feel better, smiling to herself at the thought. The landscape continues to pass outside, as the train gradually makes its arrival at the Magnolia train station. Upon stopping, (y/n) gently wakes her friends, and they quickly dart off of the train. The two dragon slayers breathing heavily as they sit on the solid ground of the station, thankful to finally be off that menace of a transport. After their stomachs have settled down, and they've regained their sense of balance, the four friend make their way back to Fairy Tail.

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now