*Chapter 21*

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(Y/n)'s POV
I don't remember the last time I went without dreaming. I'm not sure if it was the exhaustion after wearing myself out crying or the pure shock that our training time was gone, but my sleep was peaceful. Quiet and calm. For a while now it's been nothing but nightmares, and I suppose with the waking world being a nightmare the universe decided to cut me some slack. I woke to the unnecessarily bright sunlight beating down on my eyes behind my eyelids. Cracking one eye open and squinting I see that in the chaos of the previous night the curtains had remained open. I got up to close them when I realized there wasn't a sleeping dragon slayer holding me down like there usually is. I looked back towards the bed only to see a missing Natsu. Confused, and not fully awake, I walked to the window, not deterred by my boyfriend's absence in my quest to close the curtains. Before drawing them I glanced out the window into the light of the early morning hours and found my missing pink-haired hot-head.
Natsu was on the beachfront with Happy, dragging a rock that was easily a few hundred pounds. Happy was flying next to him, presumably cheering him on. I couldn't help but wonder just how long he had been at it, as the sun was only barely above the horizon. Taking note of Crystal's light snores, and finally noticing my unchanged, sand-coated clothes from the previous night, I drew the curtains closed and made my way to the bathroom. Since Natsu was already awake and training without me, I could afford to take my time showering and decompressing before meeting up with the rest of Team Natsu (plus Juvia and Team Shadow Gear). I turned on the shower, undressing while the water warmed, and stepped below the stream. As steam filled the bathroom I closed my eyes, feeling each droplet running down my body as I leaned my head back to wet my hair. While I began to massage the shampoo into my scalp my mind began to wander. I hadn't thought much about everything that happened when I fell unconscious on the beach with how eventful yesterday was.
The increase in power was evident since then, but it didn't feel like my typical magic. Instead the power I felt was two distinct energies. One felt light and pure, but incredibly ancient- the powers I had been using that were passed on to me from my mother, Mene. The other one I had felt as the seal broke in my subconscious, the dark and sinister power that seemingly pushed me out of my unconscious state. I shivered at the recollection of the feeling that had washed over me as the power escaped from its prison within my mind. However, one positive to arise from the unsettling nature of the power lying within me like a bomb waiting to explode was that I had not dreamt about the monster since the darkness escaped. Perhaps it was shielding me from the monsters' watchful eyes within my psyche, and yet there was still a sinking feeling that releasing this power from its shackles was a horrible mistake. I sighed, rinsing the soap out of my hair; I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't heard Natsu and Happy entering the hotel room. Nor had I heard said dragon slayer sneaking into the bathroom and quietly undressing. As I turned under the stream to wash my face, Natsu took this as his chance to slightly open the shower curtain and step into the shower behind me.

(Natsu's POV)
"Man I'm beat, let's call it quits for now," I said to my partner. Untying the rope around my waist that was connected to the rock I was dragging as Happy landed beside me. "Yeah , me too, watching you break a sweat sure is tiring," he quipped as I wiped my brow. Irritated, I still decided to ignore his comment, being too worn out to argue with him. After last night I couldn't sleep, and now all I wanted to do was crawl back into bed with (Y/n). We walked back to our room, and as I stepped through the doorway I heard the shower running. Looking to the bed I realized (Y/n) wasn't there. A subtle smirk spread across my face as the thought of her in the shower entered my mind. The water rushing down her body, mixing with the soap and falling slowly over the curve of her ass. Her (h/l), (h/c) hair stuck to the sides of her face. Her hands moving across her body, and cupping her breasts as she rinsed the soap of her body. I could feel the uncomfortable tightness of my pants constricting my erection as I attempted to compose myself.
I noticed Crystal beginning to stir awake as Happy made his way to her. "Good morning Crystal," I said in a low tone so as to not startle her as she came out of her heavy sleep. "Hey Happy, once Crystal fully wakes up why don't you guys go see if the others are awake?" If I could get the exceeds out of the room for a bit, (Y/n) and I can get a bit of "alone" time. Happy looked at me and nodded with a smile as he helped Crystal wake up the rest of the way. I kicked off my sandals and grabbed a fresh pair of clothes. Once Happy and Crystal left I made my way over to the bathroom.
The door was slightly ajar and I gently pushed it the rest of the way open. (Y/n's) outline was only just visible through the blue and white striped shower curtain. I watched for a moment as I undressed, my erection springing free and giving it a few strokes as her hands effortlessly glided along her curves. Just as my slit dampened with precum, (Y/n) turned beneath the water, my signal to sneak into the shower behind her.

(Y/n's) POV

I jumped slightly as strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind and pulled me taut against their warm, toned chest. Yet I knew that scent anywhere; "Geez Natsu, you scared the crap outta me," I squealed and he hummed as he buried his face into my shoulder. His hands traveled up my waist, his fingers lightly tracing the curves of my body until he reached my chest. Cupping my breasts he massaged the soft flesh, and I leaned my head back into his chest. His hot breath ticked the skin of my cheek and I moaned softly.
"N-Natsu" I gasped as he kissed down my jawline and to my neck. He began suckling on the skin while his right hand left its spot on my breast. I could feel myself quickly becoming slick with arousal as his finger drew circles around my clit.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, taking the skin of my neck between his teeth and sucking. I knew it would leave a mark, but at that moment I didn't care. His fingers slowed on my clit, stalling my quickly approaching climax and I whined, rubbing my legs together for friction. Natsu chuckled lowly and I looked back to him, as he pressed his achingly hard length against my ass. His pupils were blown with lust, and he licked his lips as my eyes met his. He didn't hesitate in pulling me to him, picking me up, and pushing me against the cold stone walls of the shower.
I shivered from the cold, jagged shower wall on my back and wrapped my legs around his waist. Natsu lined himself up with my entrance, giving himself a few long strokes, his excitement evident with the precum already dripping from his cock. He ran his head through my holes, before locking eyes with me and giving me one last sweet kiss before he bottomed out with one swift thrust with a groan. I dug my nails into his back as he picked up the pace, moaning loudly into his ear and biting his neck. This only encouraged him more as he gripped my ass hard, digging his fingers into the smooth flesh. He rammed up into me, bouncing me on his twitching cock.
He was close, I could feel it, and with the way he was fucking me like he was starved for touch, I was on the edge of losing my mind. I could feel the knot forming in my stomach, "N-Natsu please, I-I'm so close - oh god - please don't stop", I cried. Natsu growled loudly, fucking me senseless without missing a beat. I heard him moan my name with his release, and I felt him spill into me as a wave of pleasure swept over me. My vision went white, and I cried out Natsu's name over and over like a prayer falling from my lips as he worked me through my orgasm. As he slowed, and I came down from my high, I slumped onto his shoulder, Natsu holding me tight. After a few minutes he slowly pulled out of me and set me down on my feet, still not letting go of my waist to keep me steady. He chuckled as I tried to catch my breath, tears drying on my face, and he laid a soft kiss on my lips.
"I love you (Y/N), so much," he said, gently caressing my face. "I love you more," I said holding his gaze. "Now let's get cleaned up so we can go get a game plan with the others," I giggled, turning from him as I rinsed off. He grinned and smacked my ass, giving me a playful sigh, "if we have to." I gave him one last quick kiss before restarting my shower routine. Who knew you could get dirty from a shower?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now