Chapter 5

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Exiting to the back they are all taken aback at the sight, not just by the pool, but a miniature water park! A lazy river circled the park with a bridge going over it leading to the main pool. Two water slides were sitting at each side of the pool, and against the tall wooden gate on the far right was a bar. (Y/n) sat there wide eyed, while Natsu was looking around trying to figure out what to do first. Looking over to Natsu, (y/n) felt her cheeks turning red again. The sun was illuminating his tanned skin almost making it shimmer due to the light perspiration from the heat inside the spa. A sweat droplet slowly falling from the middle of his chest dripping down in between his abs, and disappearing at the top of his trunks, which were sitting low enough to show his v-line.
Holy... he looks like a god... was he always this attractive? I mean, he's my best friend, I've always thought he was cute, but this..... he looks... hot. (Y/n) thinks to herself, trying to regain composure, as she thought she was beginning to drool. "I-I'm just gunna go to the bar and grab a drink," she tells him and walks off, leaving Natsu staring at her as she was. Oh man, her curves are incredible.. and that bikini, the bottoms don't even cover her ass, most of it is hanging out.. and the way she shakes it when she walks.. fuuuck... Natsu begins to feel his excitement pooling up in his stomach, and quickly shakes the thoughts away, attempting to avoid the boxer incident from earlier.
He follows her to the bar and they both get a drink, sipping in silence for a few minutes, both having butterflies in the pits of their stomachs. They finish their drinks and decide to take a dip in the lazy river to relax. Lounging on inner tubes, they hold hands to stay next to each other, while Happy and Crystal play in the water. They float for a few minutes in silence as they watch the couples around them. "So (y/n), you know it's almost the beginning of spring right?" Natsu asks timidly, dreading his first mating season, afraid of what it will bring.
"Yeah.. almost mating season.. With my 18th birthday only a few days away, it doesn't look like I'm gunna be able to avoid it any longer," she gulps, shivering at the thought, "are you nervous?" Natsu looks up as they go under the bridge, and nods, "Yeah, from what I've heard the guys turn into horny freaks and that they can get all aggressive and possessive.. Although I guess the bright side is that we mate for life, so once we find our mates we are set for, and that'll be nice.." They both think on this for a while, staying quiet, as the only sounds are those of the water park and the spa patrons enjoying it.
It will be weird finding mates.. I only want to spend time with Natsu, the thought of him spending all his time with someone else.. (y/n) cringed from the thought, feeling a tightness in her chest, but not knowing what it was. Jealousy, does she like Natsu like that? She turned her head looking at him, his eyes closed and his head leaned back, his pink hair slightly damp and messy from the water, the sunlight was shining on his face, almost making him glow. (Y/n)'s heart started beating quicker as she watched him as he was lost in thought. Maybe I do like him... I don't know what love feels like though! This is all so confusing! She groaned leaning her head back as well, her (h/l) (h/c) hair dipping into the water. With her eyes closed she could feel Natsu shifting but was too relaxed to do anything when she was suddenly yanked further into the water, Natsu's arms held her up against his chest bridal style, dunking her under the water. Kicking free, (y/n) surfaced seeing Natsu laughing hysterically.
Summoning a wave of water, she hit him with it, causing him to go under. She smirked thinking to herself that he's in her element now. When all of a sudden, hands grabbed her legs pulling her under water once again. Wrestling under water for a bit, the two dragon slayers came up for air, laughing.
"Damn, you should've seen your face when I dunked you, it was hilarious!" Natsu laughs, "You were so pissed when you came back up, oh man my sides are hurting!" "Hey now, don't forget you're in my territory now, keep it up and I'll wash you away in to next week!" (Y/n) threatens, though laughing along with her friend. Natsu pulls her to his chest, his laughter dying down. "I'm sorry, but you're just so cute when you're angry, I just have to tease you," he chuckles, ruffling her hair, but blushing upon realizing what he just said. He thinks I'm.. cute? (Y/n) smiles to herself and blushes.
Back at the guild, a familiar blonde girl sits at the bar, taking notice of how quiet everything is for a change. She gets up and heads over to the Team Natsu table, but only Wendy, Erza, and Gray were there. No wonder its quiet.. Lucy thought as she sits down, "Hey guys, sure is peaceful in here, where's Natsu at," she asks. "He and (y/n) took a job in Onibus, so they should be back later this evening," Erza answers while taking a bite of her strawberry cake. "Yeah a 'job' alright," Gray chuckles, putting emphasis on the word "job". Wendy giggles at his comment, "It's a couples spa."
Lucy feels her heart crumbling, wishing it were her on that job with Natsu, but (y/n) is one of her closest friends, and she knows how they feel about each other. "Oh well that explains why its actually calm in here for once," she says forcing a smile to come to her face. I shouldn't be jealous, I really like Natsu, but (y/n) is one of my best friends.. As much as I hate to admit it, I know how Natsu feels about her, and I think she likes him too.. It sucks but they'd make a great couple.. Lucy sighs sadly while thinking, resting her head on her hands.

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now