Chapter 19

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(Yn's) POV

My body felt numb, and so completely drained of magic that I couldn't move, much less make sense of my surroundings. My vision started fading as I watched Juvia shouting at me, but I couldn't hear her. I watched as she frantically shook me as darkness started to overtake my sight. I tried my hardest to speak back to her, to reassure my friend that I was just tired, but I felt stuck inside my own mind. I watched her fade away from me, as the world disappeared from under me, trapping me within the confines of my psyche.

Third person POV

     "(Y/n)! Please snap out of it! You have to wake up," the water mage sobbed out as she watched her friend go limp in her arms. The female dragon slayer's body grew cold and once again started to glow, as her hair flickered between her normal (h/c) hair and the white locks that had framed her face a moment prior. A faint glow of a golden crescent moon shimmering out of view from her forehead. Exhausting the rest of her magic, Juvia summoned a wave to push them far enough onto the shore to keep them from the tide. As soon as Juvia laid (Y/n) down on the sand she began to convulse, causing more tears to stream down the blue haired wizard's face as she desperately cried out for help.
     Natsu didn't need to hear Juvia's cries to know something was wrong. Awaking with a jolt he felt a weight on his chest, constricting his breathing. His mark that he shared with his mate began to burn like fire, an odd sensation for a guy that couldn't be burned. Jumping out of bed, he didn't even bother to put on anything other than his pants, as he sprinted from the room and down the beach. Shoving his way through the crowd that had gathered, everything around him disappeared as he laid his eyes on (Y/n). She was pale, convulsing, and her breathing shallow. Natsu could hear her heartbeat slowing down as he knelt beside her. Panicked, he picked her up in his arms and stood. He was about to make a mad dash back towards their room when Gray appeared behind him.
     "Natsu," Gray said as he put a hand on his shoulder. The fire dragon slayer turned and growled defensively as he gripped (Y/n) tighter in his arms. However, Gray wasn't deterred by his behavior. Calmly taking his hand from Natsu's shoulder, he stared him in the eye, standing his ground. "Natsu, calm down. Wendy can heal (Y/n), but you have to set her down so we can see what's wrong," Gray said sternly as he pointed behind the fire dragon slayer at Wendy. Natsu narrowed his eyes at him, and tightened his grip on (Y/n). "Natsu! Put. Her. Down," Erza said darkly, stepping towards him. That seemed to snap him out of it, as the fire dragon slayer yielded and gently laid his girlfriend back on the sand, yet keeping her head in his lap. "Well the good news is that she's stopped convulsing," Lucy said; reassuring Natsu with a gentle smile as she knelt down beside her friends.
      Wendy knelt down and quickly began using her magic to assess their friend's condition. "It's strange, it doesn't seem like she's hurt. Drained of magic sure, but something in her mind feels broken," Wendy stated confused. "Levy, have you heard of anything like this?" Erza turned to the script mage who pondered for a moment. "Well there could be lots of reasons that would explain that. Juvia could you tell us exactly what happened?" Juvia nodded weakly, still sniffling as she relayed the events to the group of wizards. Natsu listened intently, yet he never took his eyes off of (Y/n). Wendy had started to ease her discomfort, her breathing becoming steady, and her heartbeat stabilizing. Yet her hair remained a stark white, while the rest of her outward appearance returned to normal.
     "Don't you think it's strange that she has been having all these weird dreams, and then this happens?" Happy asks worriedly as everyone nods in agreement. "It definitely is odd, it can't be a coincidence. I wonder if her dreams had been some kind of premonition," Erza wondered aloud. "I might be able to help," a gentle woman's voice spoke. Natsu's head snapped up as he looked around for the source of the unfamiliar voice. He definitely hadn't noticed anyone approaching, and no one else in the group seemed to have heard the woman speak either. "Do not be alarmed, son of Igneel, I present no harm to you or to my daughter," the woman spoke again. Ok I am definitely starting to go crazy, Natsu thought to himself and he returned to watching (Y/n) beneath him. "You are not 'going crazy', child. I am only here to help my daughter." "AAAH," Natsu yelped in surprise, causing his unconscious girlfriend to twitch in his lap. "Natsu! What is wrong with you?! Be careful with her," Lucy scolded him, luckily everyone else was so busy tending to (Y/n) they hadn't really noticed his outburst.
"I am speaking to you in your mind, Natsu Dragneel. Your connection to my daughter has allowed my consciousness to communicate with you as well," the woman explained.
'Ok, I don't really get it, but you can talk to me through my thoughts, yeah? Well then tell me how to help her! You're her mom right? The one from her dreams? You have to know what's goin' on!'
  "Yes, child, I can help her, however I will need your assistance to do so."
   Whatever you need, lady, I don't care. Just save her.'
  "Your love for her is strong, son. The fates truly have intertwined your destinies. It is nothing short of a miracle. Since you two have connected through dragon slayer mating, I need you to help me completely connect to her psyche. I do not have the power to do so on my own other than in her dreams."
   'Then how come you can get in my head?' "For your mental barriers are not as strong as hers."
  'Hey! I'll have you know my mind is super strong.'
   "Sigh... That is not what I meant, Natsu. My daughter has had seals placed within her mind to prevent her full powers from getting out. However, something has caused the seals to crack."
  'What did and why did she have seals to begin with?'
   "I cannot say yet, nor do we have the time for me to explain now. However, to save her I must unbind her powers."
  'No way! I ain't lettin' you enter her mind without an explanation!'
  "We are losing time and losing her, Natsu. You must let me pass through your bond. You need to trust me, Natsu."
   'Ok.. just promise you will bring her back to me.'
   "I promise. Now, let your heart call out to her. Feel the energy of her soul and focus on your love for her. Call to her through your thoughts and emotions. Once you feel her energy, imagine a thread connecting the two of you, body and soul. That will open a mental bridge I will be able to cross through. I will free her from her chains, but you must promise that you will take care of my daughter for me."
   'Yes ma'am, I would never let anyone hurt her. I would give my life for her.'
   "Good, farewell son of Igneel."
     Natsu did as the voice instructed, thinking about (Y/n). The first time they met, when they joined Fairy Tail, hatching Happy together, and then he felt it. He couldn't explain it, but it felt warm. Like the feeling he got whenever he would snuggle with Igneel. It just felt like home and he knew it was her energy. Imagining the thread like the voice had told him, he felt the channel open up. As it did, for a moment he could have sworn he saw the shimmering image of a white haired woman placing a hand on (Y/n)'s forehead.

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now