Chapter 9

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   As the two teens walk from the guild to the restaurant, Happy quickly flies up and hands Natsu a bouquet of flowers before winking and quickly flying away. "Heh heh, almost forgot about these. Here these are for you blossom," he says, blushing as he hands the (f/f) bouquet to (y/n). "Thank you, Natsu. They're beautiful," she replies, taking in the scent of the flowers. "Not as beautiful as you," Natsu murmers, and proceeds to kiss her on the top of her head, causing her cheeks to turn a deep crimson.
   They continue walking through town, holding hands the whole way, both their hearts feeling like they're going to bust through their chest. Eventually they arrive at the nicest restaurant in Magnolia, 'Celestial Nights'. (Y/n) blushes as Natsu holds open the door for her, focusing hard on being a gentleman like Gray taught him. "Reservation for Dragneel, party of two," the pink haired boy says to the hostess, giving a big grin to (y/n). He squeezes her hand quickly as they are escorted to their table next to a window.
   A small candle and a rose sit on the white cloth covered table, and Natsu pulls out the chair for his date to sit down. (Y/n) looks out the window, as she crosses her legs uncomfortably in her dress. The window opens up to a beautiful fountain, only illuminated by soft strings of fairy lights and the moon and stars. Looking back to her date, she can't help but smile as she sees him watching her. A small smirk on his lips, his onyx eyes sparkling, looking at her with passion. The scenery around them might be gorgeous, but to Natsu (y/n) is the only thing he can see.
   He's snapped back to reality when the waiter comes by to get their drink order, Natsu orders them a bottle of wine, but before he gets lost in trance looking at his date he focuses his attention to the menu. "Sooo," he says, clearing his throat and smiling, "order anything you like, Blossom." "Don't say that," (Y/n) says, giggling as a smirk forms on her lips, "you know first hand what a dragon slayers appetite is like." As she says that the waiter returns with their wine, pouring them each a glass. 
   After ordering their meals, Natsu raises his glass for a toast. "To us. I may not really know what love is yet, or what the future holds, but I do know I want you by my side forever. After Igneel left I felt so alone, but when I found you that loneliness was gone. You've always been there for me, and I can't imagine what I would've done with you, (y/n)." Tears begin to form in (y/n)'s eyes from the words of her childhood best friend. "N-Natsu," she says softly, "I-I feel the same way.. You've always been there to take care of me.. You've always protected me.. I can't imagine my life without you, Pinky." Natsu smiles at this, "Well I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. I always want to be there for you." They clink their glasses, and bring the wine to their lips, tasting the sweet alcohol. 
   "Hey pinky, do you remember the first night we spent together?" (Y/n) asks, her cheeks flushed from the alcohol. Natsu let's out a small chuckle and nods, thinking back on their childhood. 

Flashback Natsu's POV

   "It's getting dark out, we should set up a camp." I tell (y/n), the small girl nods silently, looking at the ground. She's finally stopped crying at least. I envelop her in a tight hug, resting my chin on the top of her head. "Hey don't worry, we will find them," I say softly as she hugs me back. "I-I know.. Thank you, N-Natsu," she says quietly. "Here I'll start a fire for us and go get some food, why don't you try and find us something to use as a bowl for water?" I ask her, starting a fire and preparing to leave the clearing. I can smell water nearby, which means there's fish for us to eat.
    Making my way through the brush I finally stumble upon a small creek. "Alright! Dinner!" I say as I spot a couple of fish swimming with the current. "Hehe prepare to be caught fish!" Grabbing a sharp stick, I start spearing the fish and throwing them to the dry ground. Wadding my way through the shallow water, I keep hunting until I gather enough for us to eat. Wrapping my loin cloth around my catches, I make my way back to camp. Approaching (y/n), I see she has made a large bowl out of leaves that are woven together. "Wow, nice! Now all we need is some water," I tell her, coming up beside the (h/c) haired girl. Her mood seems to shift to a playful one as she giggles and smirks, looking up at me. "Luckily water is my specialty," She says as water begins to form at her hand. "Waterfall," she mutters as the water begins spilling from her hand.  
   Delicately she begins to fill the makeshift bowl to the top, her water is a crystal clear blue, probably the purest water I've ever seen. I give her a cheeky grin and show her my catches, "Ready for dinner then?" Putting our fish on a couple of sticks, we put them over the fire to cook them. "Hey Natsu?" (Y/n) asks quietly, her gaze unwavering from the flames. I look at her, her skin softly illuminated from the fire, and her (e/c) orbs shimmering with the dancing flames. "I'm scared.." She says slowly, as I scoot closer to her and put my hand atop hers. "It's ok to be scared, but don't worry. I will protect you. We will find our dragons together," I say reassuringly, she turns to look at me and gives me a small smile and nods. 
   After eating our dinner, we lay down by the fire to go to sleep. I hear (y/n)'s breathing slow, indicating that she's fallen asleep. All that crying must've taken a lot outta her. I think as I look up at the stars. Igneel.. Dad… Where are you? I'm pulled from my thoughts as I hear teeth chattering. Looking over at my sleeping companion I see that she's shivering from the cold as she sleeps. Taking off my scarf I wrap it around her for warmth and snuggle up next to her. She sighs as her body relaxes against my naturally high temperature. "Don't worry, I won't ever leave you. We will find our parents together," I mutter as my eyelids close, joining her in slumber. 

A Burning Passion: Natsu Dragneel X Reader Lemon 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now