Chapitre 3

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This chapter is quite short, I know but I couldn't bring myself to put it with another one. Next one will be longer ^^

Don't hesitate to tell me if you find mistakes or what you think of the story so far :)


(Lilith's POV)

"Come on ! Get a grip on yourself !" she scowled herself, grabbing her sketchbook and a pencil. Drawing always calmed her nerves but this time, all that came to her mind was the black haired man.

He caught her off guard in the kitchen recently and seemed amused by her reactions. She had felt his gaze on her more than once since her first day out of her room and tried her best to not get more nervous, she was already always on the edge with the others getting close....

She didn't know what to think about him, he looked calm, reserved and polite but also mysterious and a bit intimidating. He didn't talk much, most of the time reciting poetry in a warm and soft tone, a part of his face sometimes hidden behind those dark silky looking hairs. He was kind enough to make effort to not get too close to her....

Until the 'incident' in the kitchen earlier. He had almost scared her, she was so lost in her thoughts, singing softly and waiting for the breakfast to be ready that she didn't hear him.

She shouldn't have stayed in her pyjamas, even if the rest of the crew were not the 'morning type', she already knew V was. Always up almost at the same time as her, savouring the precious moment of calm in the shop to eat something with a cup of tea. She should have wear something else than that....

Lilith was so embarrassed but couldn't decide what was the worst. Being in her 'cat pyjama' or that stupid shy smile she gave him. At least her night outfit didn't show that much.....

Denying how attractive the man looked was out of the possibilities, but damn, she had seen other men before and never felt so..... stupid. She scowled herself again, they were colleague at best, she shouldn't care about things like that. She knew too well how it end.....

The poet was just.... curious. He was surprised to see her out of her 'sanctuary' as he said. That word probably referring to the pendant on her doorknob. To be honest, she was a bit surprised at first, she didn't ask for it, it was more an habit of her granny to put protective stones around the house. Especially since....

Don't do that

She groaned, and tossed her book away. The girl was frustrated, displaying weakness was clearly not in her mindset, she had to be strong, to control her emotions instead of showing that she was affected or even worse, using her power.... Dante had told them she was able to perform some 'magic trick' somehow but using it against them.... She was lucky the summoner looked bemused by that fact more than anything.

For the big cat......

'Cat lover ?'

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