Chapitre 29

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It's getting spicy again haha !

Well they deserve some moment, don't they ?


(Lilith's POV)

Lilith woke up slowly, feeling her whole body laying down onto the sofa of Nico's van, a warm and firm cushion under her head and a hand running through her hairs. It felt nice, she knew she had dreamed of something but couldn't place what, thought the feeling of embarrassment was clear, whatever it had been, it had implied something that she didn't wanted to share with anyone.... At least if she could remember it.

It was dark when she finally opened her eyes, blinking several times to adjust to the dim light provided by the small lamp near the door, the van was empty except from her and the hand in her hairs.

"Welcome back. How are you feeling ?" His honeyed voice greeted her, "Did you rest enough ?"

"I'm feeling a bit better. Nuiid's healing is helping a lot right now..... It's strange, I'm more use to Lekha's power but it's welcome too." She slowly sat up, noticing that the "pillow" was his legs, "What about you ?"

She eyed the poet, they didn't encountered a single demon during their walk toward her family's house, which was a bit strange now that she thought of it, so he shouldn't be that tired but Lilith had seen him leaning on his cane.

"I am fine......" He didn't look tired, not physically at least, but as he sighed, Lilith felt that he needed some rest too, "Forgive me, my sparrow. I couldn't help you much more this time either.... All I did was wasting more time, putting you into more danger and...."

She was suddenly yanked forward, forced to reposition herself onto his lap and wrap her arms around him to not fall. He wouldn't have let her fall anyway, she had no doubt of that, his grip on her waist and shoulders was too firm for that. The poet didn't ended his words, hiding his face in her neck, under some purple locks. Nuiid's presence was coloring her hairs into a dark shade of lavender that looked almost black or blue in some parts, this too was strange and new for the sorceress.

Focus on that later, he needs you.

His whole body was tensed and from what he said, he was clearly speaking of what happened while she was trapped inside the dark jewel.

"It's alright." She gently stroked his hairs, liking the softness of it under her fingers, "I'm here. You didn't do anything wrong."

V stayed silent for a moment, holding her tightly, head leaning against her collarbone. This wasn't a good position for his back and she tried to move into a better one but the black haired man refused, only moving his head to rest it on her shoulder instead, which didn't change anything from her point.

"All I did was doubting, beating myself and I even tried to attack her...."

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