Chapitre 27

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Hurt, angst, physical damage (demon fighting) and sadness


(Lilith's POV)

Had the spell worked, Lilith didn't know. All she knew was that her whole body hurted. Fake or not. No coldness, no warmth, nothing else but pain and darkness.

Please, tell me it worked..... I want to go back.... I want to see him again.... To hear him again.... To tell him that I love him..... To go back home with him..... Back to Devil May Cry..... Share a cup of tea like before.....

The darkness around her trembled slightly, something like a whisper breaking the silence for a second. She tried to focus on it but whenever she tried to listen, the sound disappeared. Lilith tried to move, hoping she wasn't still trapped inside the necklace, hoping the darkness around her wasn't the last thing she was going to see for the rest of her life.

I need to get out of here ! I want to see him again !!!! I can't die !! Not here, not now, not before telling him.....


The whisper came back, a bit stronger and she saw the whole 'piece' around her shatter. Cracks appearing everywhere, letting faint light pass through, clearing the sound. It was a voice, low, warm, familiar..... It warmed her somehow, giving her strength to move again, slowly. She was still in that stupid jewel it seemed.....

Did I failed ? No !!!! Please !! No !!! I want to go back to him......


It was his voice, he was calling her. His tone charged with sadness yet still hoping. She could hear her birds too, both singing for her, Shadow's purring, Griffon wasn't making a sound but she was feeling his beak in her hand, pressing his head against her palm, gently.... They were both there, trying to bring her back, calling for her and hoping for her to wake up, not knowing she was still trapped.....

I can't end like this.... Please.... Someone.... Something.... I need to go back....

'Sparrow.... Lilith.... Come back.... Please.....'

There was only his voice and the darkness. Yet the cracks in the walls grew bigger, the more he called, the more his voice rang inside her prison, the more it shattered.

Please, don't stop. Don't stop calling me !!! I need you.... I'll be there.... I said that I would never leave you and I wont !! !

She focussed the remaining forces on the walls, not paying attention to the pain it caused her. He was more important, he was her reason to live and she was going to break free. For him.

Wait for me. It won't be long.

Fire and IceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora